Career options for Nutrition and Dietetics graduates

Nutrition and Dietetics is a very flexible area - that means that graduates holding a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics have a wide variety of job opportunities.

Many employers require at least a Bachelor degree in Nutrition and Dietetics for most of the job options, but graduates who have completed an Associate study program can start their career path in Nutrition area as weight loss counselors, food technologists or nutrition assistants, for example. Some graduates of Nutrition and Dietetics degrees work for restaurants or cafes - they control the quality of food or sometimes prepare and cook food.

Graduates holding a Bachelor diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics can apply for more advanced job options.

Many Nutrition and Dietetics graduates are self-employed - they consult people with their workout, nutrition or weight loss issues. Nutritionists or couches can also work for healthcare institutions, clinics or hospitals. Specialists in the field of dietetics are also needed in diabetes centers - they consult people with diabetes, and also write them an individual nutrition plan.

Some job opportunities in the field of Pharmaceutics are available for Nutrition and Dietetics graduates holding a Bachelor of Master degree. They can try themselves as sales managers or even work for production of medicines. Usually applicants for these job options need to have some relevant work experience, so it would be helpful to think about an internship at a pharmaceutical factory or other related institutions.

Many graduates holding a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics decide to continue their education and complete a PhD degree in this area, which give them a chance to start academic or teaching career. A degree in Nutrition and Dietetics allows its holders to apply for education in other relevant fields - for example, Public Health or Food Management.

2022-01-14 07:18:41
© Daria Blinova