Medical Internship in Seoul, South Korea

  • Duration - From 2 weeks
  • Fees - $ 3.6 k - $ 5.11 k
  • Salary - Unpaid
  • Country - South Korea
  • City - Seoul
  • Industry - Human Medicine
$ 3.6 k fees
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Medical Internship in Seoul, South Korea


ASAN Medical Center (AMC) in Seoul, South Korea, is one of the world’s leading medical institutions. According to the “World’s Best Specialized Hospitals 2024” ranking by Newsweek, AMC is ranked among the top 10 hospitals in the world in five key medical specialties, including oncology, cardiology, neurosurgery, gastroenterology, and endocrinology.

Internships at ASAN Medical Center provide a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in an innovative and high-tech medical environment.

  • Age: 18 - 45
  • Студенты после 3-го года обучения, врачи, стоматологи, медсестры

Depends on the program duration:

Start Date Application Deadline Duration Price
Every day Apply 6 months before the start date From 2 weeks $ 3.6 k
Every day Apply 6 months before the start date From 4 weeks $ 5.11 k
Start Date:
Every day
Application deadline:
Apply 6 months before the start date
From 2 weeks
$ 3.6 k
Start Date:
Every day
Application deadline:
Apply 6 months before the start date
From 4 weeks
$ 5.11 k

Does not include:

  • Визовый сбор
  • проживание
  • питание
  • трансфер
  • accommodation
  • meals
  • flight
  • insurance
Salary Extra
Unpaid -

We carefully investigate all current offers in order to pick out the only ones that can satisfy both your professional ambitions and personal preferences about the passtime.

All programs are customised to accurately unite your desires and the participation requirements!

WE guarantee the best price of any internship and double checked all providers!

Choose Internship
Provide your Details
Pay Deposit
Start the Program
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