Guide on Extracurricular Activities

Big Guide on Extracurricular Activities for Your Portfolio

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Take the first step towards studying abroad!

Looking to impress any international university admissions committee but not sure how to compile your portfolio?

Then our guide on extracurricular activities is just for you!
The main challenge in applying abroad is preparing a portfolio that sets you apart from other applicants and impresses the admissions committee. Our guide on extracurricular activities will help you build a comprehensive application that highlights your strengths. Take a significant step towards studying abroad!

126 pages describing all possible extracurricular activities for your application!

In the guide, you will find:

Everything about choosing the right extracurricular activities for each specialty;

Shortlist of all available activities by field and category;

Detailed guidelines on how to properly describe all your activities in the motivational letter;

Examples of how to structure storytelling and create a compelling narrative about your candidacy;

Hacks on making your application even more attractive through digital technologies;

Examples of describing activities in Common App, motivational, and recommendation letters;

Inspiration for creating your profile.

Buy the guide for $ 16

Who is this guide for?

For applicants who value their time and want to focus on the most essentials

For students who want to continue their education abroad

For everyone who wants to create the perfect portfolio and impress the admissions committee

Buy the guide for $ 16

Why do you need this guide?

You will get answers to questions like:

What needs to be done to create a strong portfolio?

How to impress the admissions committee?

What extracurricular activities are needed for admission?

How to properly describe activities in your motivational letter?

Where to find inspiration for portfolio creation?

What should you talk about in your application?

Buy the guide for $ 16

Who worked on the project

StudyQA team - experts in education abroad.

More than 10 years of expertise in the field of education abroad

PhD in the UK

Internship experience in the USA (including at the UN Headquarters in New York) and Germany

Work experience in the UK, Spain and Germany

More than 500,000 subscribers on social media

126 scholarships won totaling over $25,000,000

739 personal consultations on admission

Get the guide as soon as possible, while the deadlines are still open


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