StudyQA — WEBA Agent workshop – in Switzerland

StuduQA at the WEBA expo

Where: Geneva,

When: 18th - 20th, 2016.

WEBA (World Educate Business Association) is an umbrella organisation  for Education Business Partnerships working around the world. It is a membership organisation with a growing number of Associate and Business Members, education providers etc. For over 20 years WEBA has organized a lot of events in 25 different countries and greeted institutions and education agents from all over the world. High Schools, Boarding Schools, Colleges, Business Schools, Universities and Language Schools are involved in such conferences and workshops. 

StudyQA team took part in the workshop, held in Geneva 18-20 February, 2016. The aim of the workshop is to unite representatives of best institutions around the world (Europe, Russia, Asia, Turkey, Africa and Middle East) on one site. The format of expo implied to have one-to-one meetings with official representatives of any university or institution, so our representative had  a lot of productive discussions. Therefore partnership agreements have been reached with a couple of best institutions.