
What is StudyQA?

StudyQA is a smart analytic platform for finding universities, educational programmes and talented students from around the world. The project was created in 2014 by a professional team that has been working on the world education market for more than 8 years. Today several thousand foreign and Russian students use StudyQA service to find the university of their dreams.

What makes StudyQA platform unique?

Universities can post information about themselves and their programs on the site for free, as well as directly contact with interested users. With the help of a variety of filters that determine the level of student abilities and knowledge, universities can find the most talented and promising students.

How can StudyQA help you?

Today StudyQA project has a wide partner network with more than 50 top universities in the world, as well as a large number of users who are looking for educational opportunities. We will help you attract the best foreign and Russian students to your university, make a successful promotional campaign of your university or programme.