10 best sites to find internships abroad

An internship abroad will not only help you gain useful practical experience that is useful for looking for a job or entering a foreign university, but will also expand your horizons by introducing you to a completely new culture. In addition, the search process is not at all as difficult as it might seem: there are many sites on the Internet dedicated specifically to finding internships around the world.

http://jobs.euractiv.com/ - vacancies and internships in economics, management, finance, education and many other areas throughout Europe.

http://www.idealist.org/ - internships in the humanitarian field (human rights, poverty alleviation, etc.).Many of them are unpaid, but some involve a stipend covering basic costs.

http://www.mladiinfo.eu/ - not only internships, but also paid positions, grants and scholarships in Europe: the site regularly publishes many proposalsfor students from Europe and those who just want to start a career in the region.

http://www.eurobrussels.com/ - search for work and internships in the field of European Affairs: in the state bodies of the European Union, as well as in commercial and non-commercialcompanies - primarily in departments and departments interacting with the EU.

http://www.goabroad.com/intern-abroad - internships (paid and unpaid) around the world.

http://globalplacement.com/ - internships around the world.The site also offers services to analyze and improve your resume, internship consulting.

http://www.internweb.com/ - summer part-time work and internships abroad.Unlike many other sites, it offers many paid jobs

http://www.humanrightscareers.com/ - Human Rights Internship.The site has many offers for work in developing countries - in Africa, South Asia, etc.

https://www.looksharp.com/ - a large site forseeking internshipsand entry-level jobs around the world.

http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTJOBSNEW/0,,contentMDK:23124040~menuPK:8453546~pagePK:8453902~piPK:8453359~theSitePK: 8453353.00.html is one of the most prestigious humanitarian internship programs from the World Bank. Of the thousands of people applying, only a few dozen are selected. Getting this internship can be challenging, but if successful, this resume line will help you build a successful career.

2022-01-14 07:15:50
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