MBA in Project Management

MBA in Project Management is quote a popular option for those who have completed a Bachelor degree in other area, but wish to start their career in Project Management, or for those who have completed a Bachelor degree in Project Management and wish to gain a more advanced job.

MBA degree in Project Management are designed as a preparation of specialists to to take the role of manager in projects related to business. A study program usually lasts from 10 months to 12 months, an internship is an important part of any degree in this area.

The main difference between Master degree and MBA degree in Project Management is that MBA degree is more practically-oriented.  During all education process students interact with each other and their professors and mentors, work on collaborative projects, learn how to solve problems, how to present their project, how to get funding and distribute the budget. Students also undertake practical courses in Accounting, Cultural communication, Corporate leadership and Business law.

One of the advantages of MBA degree in Project Management is that often applications for admission are accepted year-round, and students can start their education from any term. Some universities also offer online courses in Project Management, which are usually held at evenings and weekends.

Most graduates find a job in 6 months after receiving a MBA degree in Project Management, but further education is also possible. MBA graduates can apply for a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) study program, which is more practical and prepares business experts, or for a PhD in Management, which is more theoretical and prepares for work in academic and research field.

Study programs

The British education system offers quite a few favourable options to study project management in renowned institutions. A lot of applicants opt for studying project management in the UK because of the high-quality academics and the easily available student housing options such as student accommodation in London and student housing in Sheffield. The prestige of UK universities is highly regarded all over the world.

Several MBA study programs in Management can be found on our website, for example, MBA Management in Imperial College London, UK, or MBA General Management - Marketing in York University, Canada. Find more study programs in this area by using the Search button.

2022-01-14 07:19:29
© Daria Blinova