Scholarships in Poland
Like in most other European countries, various scholarships are available for those students who want to study in Poland, including scholarship provided by the government, private companies, international institutions and by universities themselves. Polish government scholarship is one of the most generous and prestigious scholarships in Poland: it covers tuition fees and also provide a monthly stipend which could cover living costs.
Moreover, there are many scholarship supported by Polish government which were created for particular countries. For example, Ignacy Łukasiewicz scholarship programme is dedicated to the citizens of developing countries (Vietnam, Mongolia, Indonesia, Colombia etc.). Scholarships are available for Master and PhD studies in science, natural science and technical sciences in public universities in Poland.
Numerous scholarships are availble for the citizens of Eastern European countries. Socially and politically active Belorussian citizens could participate in Konstanty Kalinowski Scholarship Programme in order to get scholarships for their BA, MA or PhD studies, as well as for research internships in all field of studies. Scholarship Programme for young scientists from post-Soviet countries give an opportunity for those who already have a PhD degree to spent 9 months in Poland in a research institution. Stefan Banach Scholarship Programme is addressed to the citizens of Easter Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine), covers tuition fees and provide monthly stipend for MA and PhD studies.
Students from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine could apply for Visegrad Group scholarship to study for up to 4 semesters in the university in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, or Slovakia. This program is also available only for Master and post-Master students. Scholarship proveide €2,300/semester for the scholar + €1,500/semester for the host.