Digital Design
Digital design is a sub-discipline of Design Studies, which subject is creating and developing design projects in digital world. Digital design is mostly associated with game industry and animation, but digital design can also be useful in architecture, industrial design and many other areas of human life.
Study programs in Digital Design are rather practical. During the study period students will learn to use different programs to complete their projects, such as Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Google SketchUp and others. Students will also b collecting the wor portfolio during the study period, which will be very useful after the graduation.
How to apply?
Admission process for Digital Studies programs is usually highly competitive. Some universities request a work portfolio from undergraduate and postgraduate applicants. As all programs you can find on our website are taught in English, language fluency is always required, applicants should provide results of TOEFL, IELTS or other English proficiency certificates. Undergraduate applicants should demonstrate a high GPA result from their high school.
Future Career
By completing a digital design degree, students can get a variety of career opportunities. For example, graduates can start their career in digital media, digital advertising, graphic design, or web design. Designers are on a very high demand on the international labor market, so they can find a high-paid job in any country they want.