How to choose a university abroad?

Choosing a university abroad is a difficult process that begins long before admission.But how do you decide between several options?And how to be sure that education will be of high quality and extracurricular life will be interesting?We have prepared a list of the main nuances that you should pay attention to.


Pay attention to regional and world rankings.This is worth doing, because the criteria by which the university occupies a certain line can be used to judge the quality of education and the prospects for academic activity.In addition, some universities, when enrolling or deciding on a scholarship, look at whether your institution is included in the world rankings.

The criteria are reflected in the rating page.Usually calculations are carried out based on surveys, the number of scientific publications and other data.Where can I see the ratings?Here are two popular resources:

  • Times Higher Education. There are world, regional rankings of universities in general and by program, as well as ranking by reputation of educational institutions based on surveys.

  • QS Top Universities. In addition to the rankings by universities, you can see the rankings by programs: in which educational institution it is best to study the chosen specialty.There is ranking of universities according to the demand for students in the labor market.

Country information

On the university website, government websites or international rankings, see the following important information:

  • The standard of living in the country, where information on wages and expenses will be reflected.

  • Security level.For example, the rating of the Global Peace Index from 2018.

  • Unemployment rate.If you plan to stay in the country - a very important factor.It is difficult for students and graduates to find work, and high unemployment will only exacerbate the situation.

And of course, don't forget about your interests and preferences.If you have dreamed of studying in sunny Spain all your life, it hardly makes sense to consider Finland, even if the universities offer good conditions.

Demand for graduates

Usually this information can be found on the university website or in the ratings that we mentioned above.Also look at the site where the alumni work: not just examples of areas, but specific national and international companies.

Services at the university

Pay attention to these services, which can often be found in the services tab:

  • Hostels.See how far away the hostels are, how much it costs to stay in them, what amenities are, how many people will live in a room.These everyday issues can play a key role in choosing a university.Sometimes the university does not provide accommodation.Then you need to look for housing in the city in advance.In this case, find out if the university can help with your search.

  • Career center.Here they talk about fresh internships, advise on employment issues: how to write a resume and motivation letter, and pass a group interview.It will be useful to everyone, especially in the initial stages of job search, when there is very little experience.

  • Psychological assistance.First, it may be difficult to adapt abroad: homesickness, temporary absence of friends and loved ones, a new approach to learning.Some students find it difficult to immediately get used to this environment and a different way of life.This is not a reason to refuse education abroad, because there are more advantages and prospects than disadvantages.In addition, over time this passes, but in order to quickly cope with difficulties, you can resort to the help of a psychologist at the university.Secondly, regardless of the country of study, we may doubt the correct choice of the program and other issues regarding study and career.In this case, the support and advice of a professional will also come in handy.

Extra-curricular life

Although activities of interest can be found outside the university, it is also worth taking a closer look at them in the university, since here you can prove yourself and find new friends.Typically you will find:

  • Sports clubs or sports opportunities: fitness rooms, swimming pools, and so on;

  • Creative associations of students.For example, musical groups or theaters;

  • Volunteer movements;

  • Language clubs and so on.

Usually this information is located in the tab about student life, life at the university.

Scholarships and grants

The size of the scholarship and the ability to receive it is often a key factor in choosing a university.Learn about academic and financial discounts, combination options, application and receipt requirements.Often, fellows need to participate in events from the university, study well and be an ambassador for the university.

Note funding for graduates.If you plan to stay in the country after receiving one level of education, this is an excellent opportunity to continue your studies at a discount or free of charge.You will find information in the tabs about tution fees, financial aid, scholarships and grants.


See who is teaching on the selected program.This is especially true for future undergraduates and postgraduates, since we come to these levels of education with identified interests and understanding in which area we want to conduct research.Therefore, think about with whom you would like to write a dissertation, from whom to gain knowledge personally?

Useful links

On our website different universities are brought together to make it convenient for you to find a suitable university.

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2022-01-14 07:20:49
© Oksana Prokopova