Marine Science
Marine Science is an umbrella term, which covers all fields of studies related to ocean. Marine Science combines Marine Hydrology, Oceanography, Biogeochemistry, Hydrography, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry and other science fields. Usually, the term "marine science" is understood as oceanography, which combines study of physical and biological aspects of ocean.
The marine ecosystem is now going through a very difficult period. Increased consumption, marine transport and environmental pollution strongly affect the quality of water and the life of marine creatures. So Marine scientists have to face a lot of problems related to temporary ocean condition, for example, the extinction of marine animals, poaching and uncontrolled consumption of marine resources, water pollution by oil, the release of debris into the oceans, the decolorization of coral reefs, invasive species in the marine ecosystem.
Study programs
Those who wish to study Marine Science in foreign university need to apply for one of the study programs in chosen basic discipline (Geography, Biology, Environmental Sciences, etc), and choose a specialization in Marine Science. After completing an undergraduate degree, students can apply for a more specific Masters study program, for example, Marine Environmental Protection in Bangor University, UK, Biology - Marine Science in University of Southern Denmark, Marine Science, Policy and Law in University of Southampton, UK. Some more specific programs in a variety of Marine Sciences can be found on our website.