Modern History
A new history began with the rise of the Renaissance as a cultural phenomenon. It is divided into two periods - early modern period (from 16th to 18th centuries), and late modern period (from 18th century to 1945 year). Modern history ended with the end of World War II and after that the Contemporary history came.
Modern History is an era of the greatest technical achievements and scientific discoveries. The technical progress of the new era allowed Europe to change the agrarian system to the industrial.
The rampant urbanization began: yesterday's peasants massively moved into cities in order to work on factories, which entailed the growth and modernization of urban space.
The Modern History is also characterized by a chain of revolutions and overthrowing of the political system in many European countries, since the existing government wasn’t able to meet the needs of the people that entered the industrial age. Modern history is the emergence of capitalism and individualism, which is clearly visible in literary sources reflecting the mood of the era.
A new era is also associated with many wars in Europe, USA and beyond, and a lot of study programs taught at foreign universities are dedicated specifically to the study of wars, for example, MA Military History (WWII) in American Public University, USA, or MA British Second World War in University of Birmingham, UK.
Study programs
If you wish to study Modern History in a foreign university, you should apply for one of the undergraduate History study programs and then choose a specialization in Modern History. After completing an undergraduate degree, you can apply for a MA study program in Modern History, for example, MA Historical Studies (Modern History) in University of Wales, Lampeter, UK, or MA Modern European History in University of Manchester, UK. You can also find a Modern History Bachelor study program, for example, BA Modern History in University of East Anglia, UK. Use our Search to find more interesting programs.