Myths about studying abroad

Many students want to study abroad, because such education provides a number of opportunities: travel, experience of living in a new country, language practice, higher wages and others.But when choosing a university or already in the process of admission, fears and concerns may arise.Will I be able to understand and communicate with other students in a different language?How different is the learning process?Will I be able to find a job?These and many other questions can interfere with admission.So that you do not have doubts, we decided to disassemble some popular myths and tell to what extent they are true.

Knowledge of the language must be perfect

To enter a foreign university, an applicant must pass language exams.Please note that the selection committee does not require knowledge of the language at the highest level, which means that there is no such need. Typically, the level of knowledge for admission to English-language programs is B1, B2 or C1. It is very difficult to express yourself freely, to speak on any topic and not to make mistakes, and is mostly within the power of native speakers. The most important thing for you is understanding the material that is taught in lectures and seminars, and communication with fellow students to work in joint projects.

It will not be possible to find a job

Of course, you should not count on the fact that a foreign diploma will help in obtaining any vacancy.The employer will first of all pay attention to the work experience and skills of the candidate. And here foreign education gives a huge advantage to the graduate. The fact that the student has lived and studied in another country for several years speaks of high language skills and the ability to adapt to new conditions. Also, during training, students often undergo internships in their specialty, so by the time of graduation there is an opportunity to gain work experience.

The admission process is too complicated

It may seem that the search for requirements, collection of documents and their translation isthe procedure is so long and complicated that you can't even catch up with the deadline. But don't worry about this.Most often, the list of necessary documents and additional requirements for admission is easy to find in the public domain on the website of the program or university.Moreover, most countries and universities accept documents online, so sending by regular mail during the application stage will not take time. The only procedure that is worth spending a lot of time and effort on is writing motivation letters and writing a resume, which are often needed for admission.

You will have to pay a lot for training

Training in foreign countries is really more expensive.In addition to paying for education, you also need to take into account the flight, accommodation, insurance and fees. But to cover the costs, universities are now offering many scholarships and grants that allow students to study for free. In addition, there are a number of countries where education is completely free.For example, in Norway, Greece and Germany.

It will not be possible to adapt

Immediately after moving, many people feel homesick and fear of being left without friends.Don't be afraid to interact with other students. Every year more and more people choose to study abroad and many of them experience the same fears. Over time, you will get used to the university, a new city and the language barrier will disappear.

It is very difficult to study

In any good university, regardless of the country, it is difficult to study.Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the difference or complexity of education in relation to the country of residence.It depends on the university, education system, your interests and capabilities.For example, if you find it more convenient to study according to a strict schedule and work on assignments in the classroom, education in the Netherlands, where students allocate their own time and work a lot on their own outside the university, will seem difficult for you.Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in detail with the program in advance and, if possible, talk with the students who study it.

Training programs are the same regardless of countries

In fact, the difference is huge!Even in one country, very similar programs can focus on different issues and teach the student specific skills.One program may be aimed at preparing for academic work, the other for practical work.Therefore, it is not worth talking about the absence of a difference.

It is impossible to remain in the country after training

It is difficult to say unequivocally that this is a myth.In some countries and under certain scholarship programs, it is not possible to stay after graduation.But there are many countries where such an opportunity exists.For example, the USA, the Netherlands, France and other states provide an opportunity to look for a job for several months or a year.During this time, you can find a suitable vacancy, and after a few years of work, you can get citizenship.If this is not possible, then you should look for vacancies during training.Of course, this is more difficult due to the limited time, but it will be easier to find a job and stay in the country.

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2022-01-14 07:19:43
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