Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear engineering is a branch of engineering related to the use of breakdown, as well as the fusion of atomic nuclei and other operations in subatomic physics, based on nuclear physics.

A big part of all the electricity comes from nuclear power plants. That is why most of the nuclear engineers work directly or indirectly in the nuclear power industry or for national laboratories. Current research in this industry is aimed at producing economical, proliferation-resistant reactors designed with passive safety features. Although state laboratories are researching the same areas as industry, they are also dealing with many other issues, such as nuclear fuel and the nuclear fuel cycle, the production of modern reactors, the manufacture of nuclear weapons and maintenance.

The research of nuclear materials are focused on two main areas, nuclear fuel and irradiation, modification of materials. The improvement of the three types of nuclear fuel is crucial for obtaining increased efficiency from nuclear reactors.

Study programs in Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear Engineering can be taught as a separate study program or as a part of Energy Engineering study program. You can choose your education based on your scientific and career interests. Master study programs in Nuclear Engineering are the most common. Several study programs in Nuclear Engineering can be found on our website, for example, MA Nuclear Engineering in Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru,  or  MA Nuclear Engineering in University of California, Berkeley, USA, or Сhemical with Nuclear Engineering, Imperial College London, UK. Find more study programs in Nuclear Engineering by using the Search button.

2022-01-14 07:19:18
© Daria Blinova