How to overcome the language barrier

How to deal with the language barrier

One of the main problems in learning a foreign language is the language barrier.You read books in another language, you can write, you know the rules, but you can't speak.Either you avoid communicating in the language at all, or you instantly forget all your knowledge when you start a conversation.What to do about it?

Why is it important?

To begin with, let’s denote that you should not just leave it like that.The main reason is on the surface - it will be more difficult for you to pass the exam or pass the interview, which is necessary for admission.For the university, this is a sign that it will be difficult for you to answer in seminars, work in a group and communicate with others.This will affect your studies.In addition to the above, the barrier complicates travel abroad, and when traveling alone, it may even become a reason for refusing it.In general, the language barrier is an unpleasant phenomenon that does not give us the opportunity to fully express ourselves and prevents us from making new acquaintances.

Why are we afraid to speak?

I'm not sure about my knowledge.

“I'm afraid to make mistakes and look stupid,” - you can hear from many who have at least once talked about the barrier.Remember, we all make mistakes sometimes.The rule applies to all areas of our life, and especially to a foreign language.Knowing all the words and idioms is almost impossible.Do not be afraid to pause, explain in other words, or ask the other person what he meant: this is completely normal.For most, a foreign language is not their native language.These people learn it the same way you do, so they understand how difficult it is to master some of the rules and expressions.Many face the same language barrier.

Accept that sometimes we make mistakes and don’t blame yourself because you’re trying to work on them.Also, focus on the essence of the happensso that if you go in cycles in one or two unknown words, you miss the rest.Strive to understand the meaning first.

It is difficult for me to perceive speech by ear, I am afraid not to understand the interlocutor.

Unpleasant but solvable problem.For good perception, you need to listen to audiobooks, watch TV shows and films in the original language.But what to do when talking?As in the previous paragraph, let's say: do not be afraid to ask again, clarify or ask to speak more slowly.

In the case of the accent, it is more difficult.Sometimes people are embarrassed to ask to repeat or say more slowly, because they are afraid that such a comment will be perceived as something offensive.Your request will be adequately accepted.We repeat: many people learn languages ​​and understand how difficult this process is.

I am ashamed to communicate with new people.

Probably the most difficult in the case of a barrier, since it is not about knowledge that can be pulled up.Depending on the degree of embarrassment, you can deal with it yourself.But you need to know the reasons for this feeling.Here are a couple of basic ones: you are afraid of an unknown topic of conversation or misunderstanding on the part of the interlocutor.

In the first case, you will have to accept the fact that the topic of discussion or question cannot be recognized in advance.If you cannot say anything, then inform the interlocutor about it.We are not always able to maintain a conversation in our native language.And if you are interested in learning more about this topic, ask the person different questions and listen.For example, we are talking about modern literature.You can say that you are not very familiar with modern art, but at the same time ask the interlocutor what we recommend to read and why.

If you are afraid of misunderstanding, try not to rush and speak in simple language.When the interlocutor is not clear about something, he will ask you to repeat or explain.This is normal, so don't immediately think that you have a poor fitness level.Such thoughts are even more unnerving.

When you get into a new company where people speak foreign, remember that once you get used to the environment, your fears will disappear.If you were abroad, think about how your communication with people was structured at the beginning of the trip and at the end?Even if you didn't have to communicate, you made purchases, orders and at least occasionally interacted with others.Once you get used to the new environment and environment, it becomes easier to speak another language.

The same in individual cases.At the beginning of communication with a person, you may experience discomfort, but after a while it is easier for you to choose words, understand speech, and in general you speak more freely.

How to deal with this?

As much as we would like it, the feeling of fear or discomfort itself will not disappear anywhere.We need to work on this: introduce a spoken foreign into a habit.How to do it?

Go to conversation clubs.In big cities there are more opportunities for this: there are paid and free events.Most often here they talk about predetermined topics or discuss films.Not only will you talk to other people, but before each new topic you will be able to replenish your vocabulary in advance, thereby filling in the knowledge gaps.

Use a foreign language in everyday life.If there is no way to communicate, then think about how you would describe this or that situation in another language.What would you say about the environment?How would you describe people, places, weather?It is not necessary (although desirable) to say it all out loud.It is enough at least to think it over.

For example, you've read a chapter in a book and looked at the questions at the end.Try to answer them in the target language and do it right away.They read it and began to answer.While you pick upwords, memorize the material better and learn to quickly switch from one language to another.

Study with a native speaker.This will help you improve your pronunciation and gain valuable advice.You can look for a teacher in your city, which is sometimes difficult, or online.Here are some resources where you can find a tutor or just an online chat partner:

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2022-01-14 07:20:09
© Oksana Prokopova