Photography degree
Art departments in a variety of universities and colleges all around the world hold undergraduate and graduate Photography degrees, which are the best choice for those who wish to develop their photography skills by completing a degree in a foreign university.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements for Photography applicants depend on the chosen university and program. Some universities require completed courses in the photography area, and some universities only require a basic background in art and passion to photography and art. If you decided to apply for a foreign university, you will also need to meet special language requirements for international applicants.
Program Structure
A Photography degree is modern and creative, so the courses in Photography consist of a variety of practices, internships, fieldwork, workshops and intensives. During the study period students collect their portfolio, which will be useful in future employment and sometimes appears as a final coursework.
Career options for Photography graduates
Photography degree in highly practical and prepares its students to a particular profession - photographer. Graduates can also apply for a job in a variety of studios, media and TV, or can be self-employed.
Study programs
You can find several study programs in Photography using our website, for example, MA Photography in De Montfort University Leicester, UK, BA Photography in University Campus Suffolk or MA Photography in Falmouth University, UK. Use our Search to find more study programs in Photography.