The easiest languages to learn online

Knowing a foreign language, and ideally several, has become a great necessity. First of all, it is prestigious. Secondly, it develops the intellect, and thirdly, it is useful for many spheres of human life. Especially need new knowledge if you are working in an area involving partnership with foreign companions. Sometimes even a favorite hobby forces you to learn a foreign language. So we can say with confidence that foreign languages open new doors for a person, give more prospects and chances to realize themselves in life, to succeed. This is an opportunity for career development, study abroad, access to previously unavailable information and simply an intellectual training.

One of the easiest and most accessible ways of learning a foreign language is online learning. You can find inexpensive or even free learning options. When you have already learned the basics of the language, you need to immerse yourself in the language. The most interesting and useful option is an internship abroad where you can practice the language as well as gain new experience in your profession.

What foreign language to choose?

What is the easiest language to learn, and what should you pay attention to? These are the questions asked by those who plan on learning a foreign language.

We should note that the most important and important thing in learning any foreign language is motivation. You have to figure out for yourself, do you like to speak and communicate in this or that language? This directly determines which language will be the easiest and easiest to learn for you. German, French, Polish or ... Japanese. If you have to learn a language you're not interested in, it will seem very difficult, even if in theory it's not at all. Learning something new, like everything else, should only bring pleasure, intrigue and interest. Otherwise there is no use.

The world's easiest and easiest languages to learn

Research by the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs has shown that the easiest languages to learn are those that take a person no more than 600 hours in class. Anything more than the stated time is very difficult to learn.

English is the easiest language to learn

So which language is the easiest? I've learned that many people find English to be the easiest and most understandable. It has absolutely no cases, no genders, no agreement of words, and the grammar is quite simple and straightforward. This language has a wide distribution, because it is spoken in almost every country in the world. Its words are clear, short, easy to pronounce and the verbs are only changed for the third person.

Native English speakers are comfortable with mistakes made by tourists and visitors, because so many people learn English as a second language. The easiest way to learn a foreign language is in a specialized school, but you can easily learn a new language with the help of the global network. English online language learning for beginners presents many opportunities, because this way you can achieve great results in only a few months.

Italian is easy to learn

The second easiest language to learn is Italian. It is also simple, because it is case-free, easy to pronounce and its vocabulary has Latin roots, so it is familiar to speakers of other Indo-European languages.

Spanish as a foreign language

The third place belongs to Spanish. It turns out to be the easiest language to learn. It is similar to English, has simple spelling and grammar, and is widely used.

French is not difficult to learn online

French is also not difficult. Many of its words are similar to English words. This is what makes it possible to learn French in the shortest possible time. This language has an important historical meaning because it was the first language (before English) that was spoken by a large number of people. It is still considered the second most spoken language in the world today, spoken by 130 million people. Most of them live in France, and the rest in the Maghreb countries and West Africa.

There are many ways to learn this language, for example by Skype. Learning French online will be a lot of fun, because learning French with a native speaker is extremely easy and interesting. "Live" communication will help you speak this amazing language in a matter of days, at most weeks.


But you should not forget about other equally easy foreign languages as well. For example, artificial Esperanto. Just like Spanish, Esperanto is extremely simple; words are written as they are heard. It is an invented language, created back in 1887, for this reason it is really easy to understand and learn. The only thing bad about it is that very few people speak Esperanto.

Hence, we distinguish a whole group of the easiest languages that are easy to learn if we really want to:

  1. English;

  2. Italian;

  3. Spanish;

  4. French;

  5. Esperanto.

But if the above languages are easy to learn, you cannot dismiss other languages that are very popular with people.


This language is studied for a variety of reasons. Tourists who have grown fond of Poland, its beautiful nature and architecture, and the friendliness of its people often choose to learn Polish to better understand the country. Some people want to read giants of world literature, such as Adam Mickiewicz and Henryk Sienkiewicz in their native language. And some people learn Polish because it belongs to the Slavic languages, so for Russian speakers, learning Polish will seem very easy. Polish online language learning will be a fun adventure that will transport you into the interesting world of an incredibly beautiful language.


If anyone tells you that Greek is very difficult, don't listen. Only some people, like the English, find Greek difficult to learn. They have trouble understanding that a table is masculine and a stand is feminine. Their language lacks the genders of nouns and inflections of nouns by cases, unlike Russian grammar, which is very similar to Greek. Like in Russian, in Greek nouns are feminine, masculine, and neuter. All nouns are inflected, and verbs come in first and second conjugations. The exception is the articles, which are in Greek and are not in Russian. Whoever has heard Greek cannot but agree that this language is very beautiful. It flows like music. Reading the literature in Greek one never ceases to be amazed and to admire the beauty of the phrases. Learning Greek online is very easy, especially if you really want to.

German as a popular language

Learning German online is as easy as learning any other language. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe and in the world at large. It is spoken in Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and parts of Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. German is the official language of the European Union. So why not learn it, at least for these reasons? German can be heard in America, in Poland and even in Kazakhstan. The language is not inferior to English in its popularity. It is very interesting and peculiar. At first, a trainee may be confused by dumb German sounds, but this feeling will fade with time.

It follows that you cannot call one language complicated and another simple. To master a foreign language thoroughly, you just need to want to do it, and also seek help from professionals, which includes the distance learning center ″Extern>. This is the place where they will help you learn any foreign language, starting from the initial knowledge of the student. An individual training program and methodology will be chosen for each person.

2022-01-14 07:13:45
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