Which countries are awaiting foreign graduates?

Many of those who decide to study abroad do so with the expectation that after graduation they will be able to get a job and stay in the new country forever - or at least for a very significant period. Nevertheless, despite the fact that many countries willingly attract students to themselves (especially if they themselves pay for their studies), not all states are ready to welcome newly-minted graduates with open arms: they often find a job or obtain a residence permitafter completing your studies, it will be very difficult. In this article, we will look at countries in which graduates have the opportunity to obtain a temporary residence permit or a special visa allowing them to look for work after completing their education.

New Zealand

Despite the fact that this country is not very popular among Russian students, it deserves a mention on our list due to its relatively liberal migrationpolitics. After graduation, graduates are entitled to a one-year visa - during this time they can work in any field, but must be looking for vacancies in the field in which they received their education. If such a vacancy can be found, then graduates receive a two- or three-year visa, after the completion of which they can apply for a full-fledged residence permit.


More recently, the Irish government changed the rules for foreign students: now even those who come from outside the European Union, will receive the right to look for a job within two years after graduation from the master's or postgraduate studies (this norm does not apply to bachelor's graduates). Thus, the government expects to attract new students from abroad, as well as increase the number of qualified workers.


The situation in France is somewhat more difficult for foreign graduates. After receiving a master's degree, graduates can apply for a temporary work permit for a period of six months (for certain specialties, this period maymake up a year). With permission, graduates can work no more than 60% of their official full-time employment. Now the main task is to find a full-fledged job in which the employer is ready to pay at least 150% of the minimum wage in the country (SMIC). In this case, students can conclude a contract and apply for a full-fledged residence permit, and in the future - and citizenship.


After graduation, the student can look for work for 12-18 months after receiving the diploma. If the graduate manages to find a suitable job, he will receive a temporary residence permit in Germany. To obtain this document, it is important that the job found corresponds to the specialty obtained at the university - to engage in unskilled labor in order to stay in Germany at any cost will not work - you simply will not receive a residence permit.

Another option for obtaining the right to reside in the country is to engage in entrepreneurial activity .Your field of activity in the company you are opening must still correspond to your specialty, but it will be easier for you to obtain a residence permit than for those businessmen who have not studied in Germany.


Canada is known as one of the most attractive countries for immigrants from around the world, also due to the conditions it provides, especially for qualifiedmigrants. Students are also doing quite well: after graduation, a graduate can receive a work permit from 1 to 3 years - the period depends on the duration of study.For example, if you have completed your master's degree for two years, you will receive a work permit for the same period. It is important that the permit is not tied to a specific employer - you can get a job in your specialty in any company you like.

2022-01-14 07:16:56
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