10 sites with books in Chinese

More and more Russian graduates and students strive to leave for China. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the Chinese educational system began to actively modernize, significant resources were invested in it, and government programs began to appear. Thus, in a short time, due to massive infusion, Chinese education has radically changed: a good top universities were formed, and a rapid advancement in world rankings began.

In Chinese universities, disciplines are taught in Chinese and English. Knowledge of Chinese is an advantage that allows the student to apply for scholarships and choose any discipline.

Weibo Books is an excellent selection of Chinese books and books by foreign authors translated into Chinese. The books are divided into categories. There are short descriptions and reader ratings.The book can be purchased in hard copy.The site is in Chinese.

Amazon Kindle - you can buy and download books in the application or on the website. Amazon offers 4,000 books in Chinese, a significant portion of which are translations of foreign editions.

LoyalBooks is a small library of e-books.All books are free.

Haodoo is a Chinese site where all books are available for free download.Topics include stories and prose, science fiction, stories about martial arts masters, world classics, and other categories.The site is in Chinese.

Gutenberg is a small collection of Chinese books.

Rulit - Free e-books in Chinese.

Twirpx is a site with adapted audiobooks in Chinese.

Asianbooks - adapted books in Chinese for all levels of language proficiency.

Nashol - a large collection of books for learning the Chinese language.

Franklang - texts in Chinese, adapted by the methodreadings by Ilya Frank. The cost is 50-200 rubles.

2022-01-14 07:21:03
© Arina Ordina