26 TestDAF Preparation Resources

All foreign applicants for admission to German universities must pass the language exam - TestDaF. We talked about it in detail in this article. Today, we will share with you exam preparation resources that will help you develop all the skills you need.


Auf neuen Wegen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache für die Mittelstufe und Oberstufe (Lehrbuch)- a universal textbook forstudents with an upper intermediate level of German are ideal for preparing for a range of exams. The book consists of eight chapters, each of which correlates with a particular language skill. Particular attention is paid to grammar and the development of comprehension skills for texts in German. There are many self-test exercises and self-exam preparation exercises.

Prüfungstraining DaF: B2-C1- the textbook is a specialized and most popular textbook for preparing for TestDaF. It consists of two parts: in the first part, the student gets acquainted with the structure of the exam, and the second is a full-fledged practice test. Includes two CDs to test speech comprehension skills.

TestDaF - Training 20.15- the book helps prepare for all parts of the DaF exam by completing assignments and self-tests. The textbook also includes a practice test to assess the level of knowledge.

Mit Erfolg zum TestDaF B2-C1: Übungs- und Testbuch- the manual consists of four modules: reading, listening, writing and speaking.Each includes a training part and tasks, the correct answers to which are given at the end of the book.In addition to the modules, there are DaF practice tests and listening CDs.

Training TestDaF - Trainingsbuch mit 2 Audio-CDs- the manual is aimed at intensive training of skills before passing the exam.It develops and tests the student's skills in all four language components, includesexamples of real tests and audio CDs.

Fit für den TestDaF- a textbook from the "Fit für ..." series, which was created specifically to prepare for TestDaf. The manual gives a holistic view of the structure of the exam, increases vocabulary, improves grammar, reading, speaking, listening and writing skills.


Polyglot.German in 16 hours- the course was developed by polyglot and translator Dmitry Petrov and consists of 16 lessons. Pupils learn the basics of German grammar and begin to speak German.

Easy German- The Easy German project was created by young Germans. They teach the audience the German language. The guys interview German and make video tutorials on interesting topics.

Short German lessons in English- German blogger Speedyconkiwi!filmed some interesting short German lessons in English. The videos are quite old, but still useful.

Dialogues in German are short German dialogues with translation, read by a native speaker.They will help to replenish vocabulary and teach you to navigate in simple conversational situations.

Sample Assignments

Reading (Leseverstehen)

Test Deutsch als Fremsprache

Loesungen Lesetext

Hinweise und Tipps

Listening (Horverstehen)

Modellsatz Hoerverstehen

Hoerberstehen Hinweise und Tipps

Modellsatz Hoerverstehen


Written speech (SchriftlicherAusdruck)

Schriftlicher Ausdruck

Schriftlicher Ausdruck Hinweise und Tipps

Oral speech (Mundlicher Ausdruck)

Modellsatz Muendlicher Ausdruck

Muendlicher Ausdruck

Muendlicher Ausdruck


Deutsche Radio- a selection of German radio channels for developing listening skills.

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle is a TV channel that focuses on news, thematic information and culture.

hr-fernsehen is the main television channel of the Hessian Broadcasting Corporation.The main news programs are the regional TV magazine "maintower" and the news release "Hessenschau".

Films in German- VKontakte group where popular films in German are published.

2022-01-14 07:21:06
© Arina Ordina