85 grants to study in Romania

Romania is a country full of surprises, amazing folklore, and breathtaking landscapes - here both legendary castles and beach resorts - in one country have collected all the most interesting. Well, isn't it beautiful?

The government of this beautiful country is ready to allocate 85 grants to study undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students. You will have advantages if you study in the following programs: Political Science and Administrative Sciences, Pedagogy, Romanian Culture, Journalism, Engineering Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Oil and Gas, Veterinary Medicine, Architecture, Music, Arts.

The grant varies according to the level of study:

Undergraduate students. If you have a diploma in secondary education, then training on this program will take from 3 to 6 years, the duration will depend on the specialty.
Graduate students. The duration of training in this program is from 1.5 to 2 years.
Postgraduate students can expect to receive training lasting from 3 to 4 years.

An important point is that training in these programs will be in Romanian. Yes, that's right, in Romanian :) However, if you don't know Romanian, you will be asked to learn it during one preparatory goa. If you already know him, then you should go through the text confirming your knowledge.

The grant includes:

  • tuition fees;

  • payment for accommodation (in a hostel at the selected university);

  • financial support for students:

  • for bachelors - 65 € per month;

  • for masters - 75 € per month;

  • for graduate students - 85 € per month.

Food and travel expenses are not covered by the grant, alas. Hominy will have to buy with his own money.

Requirements for candidates and document

Important! You can take part in this program only if you are not a representative of the EU countries.

Application files must be submitted through diplomatic missions. If they are sent through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or MNP (plus if they are sent after the deadline), then such applications will not be considered.

Documents required for filing an application

Applications must contain the following documents:

  1. An official letter issued by the diplomatic mission of the country of origin accredited in Bucharest, or the diplomatic mission of Romania in the country of origin or residence;

  2. MFA Romania Scholarship Application Form and Application Form and MNE Application Form;

  3. Notarized copies of received diplomas with translation into one of the languages: English, French or Romanian;

  4. A copy of the birth certificate (with translation) and the first 3 pages of the passport;

But that's not all. For a complete list of documents, see the site.

The Romanian diplomatic mission, which is accredited in the country where you live, can provide a list of documents required for admission. Or the diplomatic mission of your country, which is accredited in Bucharest.

The election results will be announced by June 17, 2019.

2022-01-14 07:21:18
© Svetlana Panova