UK Final Exam Results

The results of the final examinations in Great Britain have become known.You can read the general information on this topic further:

  • 424,000 - the number of students enrolled in UK universities and colleges in 2016

  • 27,400 - that much more female students among all those who entered

  • 3% - this is how much the number of students enrolled has increased compared to last year

  • 4% -this is how much the probability of being enrolled for UK students has increased

  • 98.1% - the total percentage of successfully passed exams

  • 11% - the number of students from the European Union has increased by this amount

  • 7% - so much increased the likelihood of being enrolled for students from low-income families

  • 150% - so much increased the likelihood of being enrolled for students from wealthy families

424,000 students were enrolled in UK higher education institutions, up 3% from last year.This is a record result for the number of students enrolled.

According to YUKAS data (note: YUKAS is a centralized application system for admission to universities in the UK), after the announcement of the exam results at midnight, 201,000 adult students were enrolled in educational institutions. Despite a 2.3% drop in population, student numbers are up 2% this year over the previous year. The likelihood of being accepted for UK students has grown by 4% over the year.

Compared to last year, the total number of high ratings has slightly decreased. Then the highest marks and marks "excellent" were 25.8% of the total.This is 0.1% higher than this year. The percentage of those who passed the exams - 98.1% - remained unchanged.

In a startling way, the number of students from EU countries enrolled in UK universities has grown by 26,800, or 11%. A record figure was reached, despite the fact that students were afraid to come to England because of Brexit. In total, the number of students from non-EU countries - 29,300 - remained at the same level as in 2015.

The likelihood of being enrolled as a student from a family with limited incomes increased by 7% compared to last year. However, adult students from wealthy families are 2.5 times more likely to be enrolled in the classroom.institution.

It should be noted that the number of applicants from older age groups has increased. Thus, the number of students aged 25+ increased by 8%.The number of students increased in every country in the UK.Thus, 307,200 were credited in England, 31,900 in Scotland, 16,600 in Wales and 12,000 in Northern Ireland.

Gender breakdown indicates female predominance. There are 27,400 more female students than students, but the difference has decreased compared to last year.In 2016, the number of male students increased by 3%, female students - by 2%.

Mary Carnock Cook, Executive Director of YUKAS, congratulated all the guys who decided to start their adult life by studying at the university. Cook said she is proud that more men are enrolling in the university. However, they "still lag behind" the girls.

Nicola Danbridge, Executive Director of Universities UK, praised the record result. She acknowledged that continuing her studies is not always the right decision for everyone, although the benefits of pursuing an advanced degree are clear.

“Official data have shown that it is easier for qualified graduates to get a job.In addition, on average, their earnings are much higher than those of people without a college degree,” said Denbridge.

“The success of higher education, however, cannot be measured solely by the amount of graduates' earnings. Studying also helps students develop many personal qualities, from critical thinking to analytical skills and the provision of evidence. In the process of learning, people make lifelong friendships from around the world and develop as individuals, ”Denbridge said.

Sally Hunt, Secretary General of the Union of Universities and Colleges (UCC), drew attention to those students who have to get a place through clearing (note: the process of the final stage of admission in England - searchfree space at any universities). According to her, OUK hopes that students will not succumb to "unusual offers, gifts and tricks. "This is how universities, after years of researching the best options, lure students into empty seats.

“Whether to enter a university, and if so, which one, is a really important decision.Universities should not influence student choice. This year, applicants have many opportunities and should not rush to choose, ”said Hunt. "For a long timeuniversity funding policy was based on finding new ways to attract students. Higher education is now at a crossroads with the aftermath of Brexit and government plans to raise the cost of tuition. We need to find a solution to how to provide material support to our universities and students, ”said Hunt.

Last year, a record 64,300 students (every eighth student) enrolled through clearing. This year, the number of different proposals from universities is set to grow. By the end of September, approximately the same number of students enrolled through clearing is expected.

Yulia Gimatova

2022-01-14 07:15:45
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