How to apply to Oxbridge (Oxford + Cambridge)?


Oxbridge is a convenient phrase denoting two of the most famous universities Great Britain - Oxford and Cambridge . This association is not accidental.A long history of rivalry has smoothed the differences between the two, and in addition to vast campuses, high social status, and ancient architecture, Oxford and Cambridges hare a similar admissions system and collegiate teaching style.

There is an opinion that in Cambridge it is best to study natural sciences, and the humanities, just, is stronger in Oxford , butthis is highly controversial and requires inside information.Judging by world rankings, the level of education in Oxford and Cambridge is approximately the same.In this article, we will draw up instructions for admission to Oxbridge and tell you what teachers advise when entering these universities using the example of the history department of Oxford .

Steps to admission to Oxbridge

You cannot apply to both universities at the same time, so first you need to decide where you are going to apply.The main criterion for choosing between Oxford and Cambridge is, in our opinion, the teaching staff.T he collegial teaching style requires the presence of professors and tutors in the college almost constantly, and if the scientist you are interested in is currently taking an academic leave to write another monograph, you will hardly be able to attend his lectures, and even more so get advice from him on your scientific work.

Application deadlines for admission to Oxbridge through the system UCAS (centralized system for admission of documents to UK universities) - from September 1 to October 15, and if you are thinking about applyingdocuments for 2017, the earlier preparation begins, the better.It's not only about early deadlines, but also about additional stages before admission.

Preparation of documents takes the lion's share of the process.First of all, the Russian high school diploma is not recognized by British universities.What should be done in this case?

In Great Britain the education system in schools lasts one year longer than in Russia, so our applicant has at least one year to obtain the necessary documents demonstratingacademic performance in school subjects.You can enter the faculty of a university in Russia, which is identical to the desired direction in Oxbridge, and your first-year performance will be counted as your personal “A-level”.Remember that all documents must be translated into English and notarized.

We recommend that you contact the Oxbridge university you are interested in and clarify how realistic it is to enroll there after the first year of a Russian university.There are other, but more costly and long-term options for obtaining a legitimate certificate of secondary education according to British standards, for example, IB program or International Foundation Courses - a variety of two-year courses in UK , upon completion of whichyou have to pass the final exams on a par with British students.

Let's say you decide to enroll after your first year at a Russian university.In this case, in addition to ideal academic performance at the university, you need to pass the English proficiency test IELTS/TOEFL , fill out an application form through the UCAS system, where amongamong other things, you need to write a motivation letter about why you want to study this particular subject in this particular faculty, prepare an essay (2,000 words) on a topic of interest to you on the subject of history and send it to the admissions office by November 10 in the case of Oxford or upon request - in the case of Cambridge. Oxford asks applicants to provide examples of their school (or student) work in history subjects, and not specially written texts for admission.Such works must be accompanied by the date of writing, titlecourse / subject and even the teacher's signature.

The real challenge can be HAT, the history entrance test, which takes place in November (2016 - November 4).There are four sections in the test, applicants in History and Economics must answer the questions in sections 1, 3 and 4. There are no HAT centers available in Russia.It makes sense to seek help in finding the nearest center to an international organization for testing students. There are examples of past tests and various checklists and tips for completing the test items on the Internet.While many HAT students say the test is actually easier than advertised, for applicants new to the UK testing system and the HAT structure in particular, the test can be doubly difficult.We recommend preparing for the HAT as early as possible before submitting the documents.NB!HAT is required in Oxford but not in Cambridge .

All tests of the Oxbridge applicant are crowned by interviews with teachers.It is not recommended to be nervous during the interview, since the commission does not set itself the goal of testing your knowledge, focusing on weak points in your answers.This is not an exam!All interview questions are just a way to figure out which college is right for you.On the Internet, you can find videos with sample interview situations, HOWTo's , articles and forum posts with tips for preparation. Cambridge advises looking at the so-called "mock interviews " on their website.Remember how many hours you spent preparing for admission, and take your interview as another way to polish your already brilliant knowledge.

Admission to Oxbridge History

History faculty want to see Oxbridge truly passionate about history students who are able to look athistory processes through knowledge of other school subjects.

The best way to prepare for admission to history is, of course, reading history books that interest you.Be prepared to discuss and make your own reasoned judgments about the books you read.In an essay, interview, HAT tests, you must demonstrate not only factual knowledge, but also the ability to analyze material, the use of a variety of general cultural analogies, logical thinking.To get a sense of where to start reading, look at the bibliographies in your history books, and ask your school or university teachers to help you compile a bibliography for you.

The Cambridge History Department website has a small summary of books and tips for preparatory reading.In particular, the research papers of some current Cambridge faculty members are listed, such as Christopher Clarke, David Abulafia and Peter Mendler. The ability to navigate the news of historical science will be a big plus.Reading scientific journals on history, such as the weekly issues of History Today or BBC History, reviews of new books and individual articles on history, will happily diversify your knowledge.

To better reinforce your knowledge of the area of ​​history you are interested in, you need to research the websites of organizations with access to rare historical materials.For example, on the sites of the British Museum or archives of the BBC radio. The study of history can be diluted with acquaintance with art, fiction, music and documentaries.

Work experience can be useful if it is directly related to the formation of your views on history and is a practical base of your knowledge.For example, participation in archaeological expeditions or scientific conferences for schoolchildren or students can make a good impression on the admissions committee.Oxbridge colleges consider academic achievement, so no matter how rich your work experience may be, it will not affect your chances of enrolling in any way.

RegardingOxbridge Summer Schools, there are many organizations claiming competence in preparing for admission, but keep in mind that these firms have no formal affiliation with the University of Oxford and may charge fees for their services.For British students there is a free opportunity from Oxford University , summer school UNIQ , for foreign citizens - a paid schoo lOxfordscholastica .

Ivory Towers

From all of the above, it follows that enrolling in Oxbridge, as in any other British university, is not an easy undertaking,requiring up to 2 years of preparation and large cash costs, especially when it comes to bachelor's degree.Admission is the first stage, in parallel with this, it is necessary to look for grants and draw up applications for funding.

Many applicants manage to get an interview at Oxbridge, but only a few of them are admitted.While Oxbridge has a reputation for being a springboard to a successful life, getting a good education requires motivation and a personal interest in learning.Whether an Oxbridge degree is a must, or is it better to give other universities a chance to decide for you.

2022-01-14 07:15:21
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