Art Residence in Japan
Young creative professionals from around the world are welcome at the art residence on the island of Kyushu in Japan. Based on the results of the work done, it will be necessary to organize an exhibition or provide the organizers with a report.
The duration of the program is several months from September 2019 to the end of March 2020. It is possible to stay in Japan intermittently. Participants can be specialists in the field of art, architecture and design, as well as project curators with work experience under the age of 40.
The documents must be submitted by March 29 by sending the following documents by e-mail or by mail:
- Completed application.
- CV.
- Work documents.
- Description of your research.
The selection of participants takes place in two stages - after consideration of the package of documents, the selected candidates are notified of the date of the interview.Results will be announced by email.The organizers pay for the flight to the participants and provide a scholarship of JPY 200,000 for accommodation (about 117 thousand rubles).
You can find out more about the program and download the application form on the project website .If you have any questions, you can ask them by .
Works are also accepted by mail:
CCA Kitakyushu Fellowship Program
Science & Research Park, 2-5 Hibikino, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu 8080135 Japan