Internship at BRAC Bank

BRAC Bank in Bangladesh offers internships to students from all over the world.During the internship, students will be able to pursue their own research projects related to the work of the bank.The main objectives of this internship include:

  1. Introducing trainees to the various tasks of BRAC Bank;

  2. Providing various departments of the bank with the help of highly qualified students specializing in various fields;

  3. Development of organizational and professional skills that will be useful to interns in their future careers.

12 trainees will participate in the program.The duration of the internship is usually 12 weeks, but this period can be increased or decreased.Travel, food and accommodation expenses are reimbursed by the bank, in addition, trainees will be provided with a monthly salary of 10,000 so (7200 rubles).

Most of the bank's employees speak English, but trainees are encouraged to master Bengali at a basic level.

Requirements for candidates

  1. Applications are accepted only from graduate students with good academic performance enrolled inreputable foreign universities;

  2. Bangladeshi residents cannot participate in this program;

  3. All candidates must be fluent in English.

How to apply

Interns can work at the bank during the winter, spring orfall semester.Applications for participation in the program must be submitted at least three months before the start of the semester.The application must contain the following documents: a completed application form, a resume, a letter of motivation, a letter from the university, a passport photo.It should be sent to the following address:

Results will be reported within three weeks.

More information about the internship can befound on the official website of the bank.

2022-01-14 07:16:57
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