What is Bullet journal and how to maintain it

Bullet journal is a new convenient planning tool.American web designer Ryder Carroll has come up with a whole system for those who want to more effectively achieve their goals. He created her to put things in order in his own life. As a result, residents of different countries and continents liked the novelty. Put your gadgets aside and try writing down your thoughts on paper regularly. You can buy a ready-made Bullet journal, but it's easy to make yourself.

So, you need a regular notebook. Which design should you choose? A matter of taste, the main thing is filling. The basis of such a diary is special spreads, each of which has its own function.

Spreads Bullet journal

The first page is fine for a table of contents. While it can be flipped.You will then add section titles with page numbers to the beginning of the notebook.

The second spread will take the calendar. Here you need to write down the most important dates of the year: birthdays, trips, meetings, deadlines for achieving goals.

The third spread - the same calendar, but for a month.Enter detailed information by week on these pages.

Pages for daily notes follow.

Be sure to make a checklist in your diary where you will record income and expenses. Separate pages can be allocated for the list of books that you plan to read and films to watch.

Sign system

A simple symbol system has been developed for the Bullet journal. Work tasks are marked with dots, important meetings - with circles, other notes - with dashes.Completed cases can be crossed out, marked with check marks or crosses. But you can come up with your own convenient designations.

Working on such a notebook not only helps to better plan your time and track the results of your work.So you will relax and rest, because you can express yourself creatively - diversify the pages in the diary with drawings, maps,tickets, magazine clippings. After a while, it is interesting to look inside your Bullet journal in order to recall the positive emotions experienced, important meetings and fateful moments.

2022-01-14 07:21:46
© Julia Safonova