Our weekly digest
All current offers of internships, grants and scholarships for this week in a convenient format!
1. Free education in expensive countries
Full scholarships help to fulfill the dream and travel to the desired country, even if it is expensive to study and live there...We suggest to find out about 4 funding programs that cover the costs of education and living.
2. Internship at a hotel in China
Do you know English at the Intermediate level, love traveling and meeting new people? If you have been thinking about a trip to China for a long time, then pay attention to an internship in the hotel business.Food and accommodation are provided, and salaries up to $ 600 per month are provided. All the details are in article .
3. Paid internship for a marketer in Thailand
This opportunity will appeal to those who want to work in the marketing department foroverseas under the guidance of an experienced mentor. Students and recent graduates with good knowledge of English are expected in Thailand.The duration of the paid internship is from 4 to 6 months.
4. Solve's 2019 Global Challenges
A trip to New York, a grant of $ 10,000 and comprehensive support throughout the year - suchawards await authors of promising ideas. You can apply to participate in Solve's 2019 Global Challenges until July 1.Details in article .
5. Text of the week: How a student can learn to keep a budget
Not every family is taught financial literacy. The beginning of an independent life for students is not an easy test, now they have to manage money without the help of their parents. Useful tips from Longread will help you quickly save up for a dream - for example, a trip to Europe.