Professions of the future in Digital

These and many other questions arise when we hear about Digital.

Friends, this is not a word to be afraid of, and in fact, we need to become friends with it, because soon we will be hearing about it at every turn.

Digital marketing, or digital marketing in other words, is a general term for product and service marketing that uses digital channels to attract and retain customers.

With progress, some professions are becoming obsolete and disappearing, but new and in-demand professions are emerging, and Digital is one of them. So if you're interested in this field, now is the time to take the plunge.

We've compiled the top 6 high-potential Digital careers for you to explore right now.

SMM Specialist

This is the person who develops the employer's social media account (in one or more at once) and is responsible for attracting subscribers, communicating with them, and building positive brand associations.

The pros of the profession: freelance opportunities, free schedule, work from anywhere in the world, high earnings with no ceiling, it's interesting.

Frontend Developer

A specialist who is responsible for developing everything the user sees — website, app, service, etc. These types of programmers are most likely to design pages, forms, and all the other things you see on sites and apps.

The advantages of the profession: high demand, the opportunity to work in international companies and projects, high salaries for specialists with work experience.


Writes texts for filling and promotion of websites, email-posting, lendings, social networks and corporate blogs. The copywriter specializes in one or more types of text content.

Pros: Interesting and varied work, opportunity to work remotely, continuous informational enrichment, earnings with no ceiling.

SEO Specialist

Promotes the brand through search engines. Optimizes the site, fills pages with information, buys links. Helps the company get to the top of search results, attracts more people and potential customers.

Pros: extremely in-demand profession, in large companies and high level professionals have high pay, the need to constantly develop and improve professional skills, creative work.


His mission is to assemble and manage a team of writers. Supervise the release of content on various sites on the Internet. Write and edit the text of other authors: remove water, adjust structure, add value.

Pros of the profession: creative and quite interesting work, the possibility of remote and freelance work, you can always find work on the Internet, very much in demand.

PR manager

Responsible for brand interaction with the audience, creating and maintaining a positive attitude towards the company. His responsibilities include interacting with the brand offline with customers and building the company's reputation, organizing meetings and events, and planning media publications.

Pros: constant activity and movement, a wide range of communication, continuous professional growth, decent wages.

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