Scholarships for Scholars in Economics and Finance
The Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance (EIEF) in Italy invites scientists who are unable to come to the institute for a long time to take part in a short-term program sponsored by the Bank of Italy.In addition, the institute offers several long-term programs.Scientists are expected to participate in the intellectual development of the institute and interact with other scientists, and they can also teach short courses at the institute.
The Institute provides both financial support and access to all research equipment.
Long-term scholarship is available for scientists with children - the institute promotes their enrollment in a suitable school in Italy, in addition, the institute helps with the search for housing for scholars arriving for both short and long term...
The main criterion for granting a scholarship is the qualifications of a scientist and the opportunity to teach.
How to apply
To apply for participation in the program, you must download the application form on the Institute's website, fill it out and send it to the following questionnaire must contain information about the desired length of stay at the institute.Preference will be given to candidates wishing to remain at the institute during the academic year for a period exceeding one month.Acceptance of applications ends on June 30, 2017.
You can find more detailed information about the program in English on the official website