On the verge of fantasy: scientists were able to get a photo of the shadow of a black hole
On April 10, a sensational event took place in the scientific world.At the press conference, which was simultaneously held the day before in the USA, Japan, China, Taiwan, Belgium and Chile, the results of research obtained within the framework of the Event Horizon Telescope project were presented. Eight powerful radio telescopes located in different parts of the planet had to be combined into one network.With the help of modern technology, astronomers have taken pictures of the object, which is 54 million light-years from Earth in the galaxy Messier 87. Now we can see with our own eyes what a shadow cast by a black hole on a disk of gas and dust looks like.
Participants of the “Event Horizon Telescope” project note that such a breakthrough was possible only thanks to international cooperation and technological progress.
Black holes are unusual regions of space-time, with an incredibly strong gravitational attraction.Even objects moving at the speed of light are unable to resist them.What gets inside can no longer escape back.
Previously, scientists could not get so close to black holes. The fact is that these space objects are small - even the most modern telescopes could not provide the required data.However, a few years ago, the Event Horizon Telescope project was launched - different countries decided to join forces to study two space objects. The first is the black hole Sagittarius A, which is located closest to our planet.The second object is a massive black hole in the Messier 87 galaxy.
The observations were carried out over 60 hours. During this time, we managed to collect about 10 petabytes of data. It took scientists a year and a half to examine all the information they had gathered and, as a result, obtain the long-awaited image of the black hole.
Representatives of the European Southern Observatory say that this event is a harbinger of a new era in the study of space objects, there are many scientific breakthroughs ahead.The recording from the press conference can be viewed on Youtube .
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