Family Therapy
Family therapy (or sometimes marriage therapy or family counselling) is a branch of psychology which is deeply connected with Family and Consumer Science. Is deals with problems in relationship of families and couples. The most common problems which emerge in Family Therapy are difficulties in understanding between parents and children and between married people. Family Therapy uses many methods of psychology and psychotherapy such as communication theory, psychoeducation, reality therapy and many other.
How to become a Family Therapist?
The needed education for a Family Therapy career depends on the institution you wish to work for and the country which you have chosen for life and work. Sometimes a strong undergraduate degree in Psychology is mandatory, sometimes an education in other related areas is enough to start a career. What is common for all situations is that those who wish to work as Family Therapists need to complete a specific education courses (or even a degree). A Master degree in Family Therapy is the most suitable option for all - it lasts for up to two years and often includes an internship or a part-time work placement.
Study programs in Family Therapy
If you decided to choose the path of Family Therapist, you need to find a good study program which will be suitable for you. We want to help you, so we collected a variety of study programs in this (and related) areas on our website, for example, MA Family Therapy in King’s College London, University of London, UK, or MA Marriage and Family Therapy in Kansas State University, UK. Find the best study program by using our website.