Websites for Finnish language learners
Today in our selection of materials for those who want to quickly speak Finnish. On all sites, you can study for free and without registration.
Those who already know a little Finnish will like the YLE website. It contains exercises, video tutorials and tests.Some materials are available in English. On the website you can take the Finnish course for foreigners Supisuomea- it consists of 12 training videos. The site has a dictionary in Russian.
It's better to start by watching a video with subtitles in order to simultaneously translate incomprehensible words. The goal is to learn to understand speech by ear, memorize basic phrases. After viewing, proceed to completing assignments and studying the rules of grammar.
Blog Suomen
On the Suomen website you will find free lessons in Russian.In addition, the “Books” section contains manuals with links to online stores where they can be purchased.
It is convenient to learn new words and popular phrases on this site - they are all divided by topic and sounded. Each collection can be printed. This resource is suitable for those who are just starting their acquaintance with Finnish, but are fluent in English.
Finnish for foreigners
This site contains words and phrases that are often used in everyday life, basic rulesgrammars and links to helpful resources for Finnish learners.
Here you can take 7 lessons for free for beginners - watch the video, read the grammar rules in Russian and forto consolidate the material, perform interactive exercises.