Grant for Photographers from the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation

The Henri Cartier Bresson Foundation is ready to financially support the project, the completion of which requires external financial assistance. Applications are accepted from photographers of any nationality, whose work is supported by a university, museum, publishing house, art school or other organization.

There is no age limit. Part of the project must be successfully implemented by the time the documents are submitted. The winner will receive 35 thousand euros. The presentation of his photographs will take place in Paris. Works in the form of a book will be published in 2021.

Documents can be submitted until April 30th. The date of dispatch is determined by the postmark. All documents must be in English.

Required to provide:

- letter from the organization supporting your work (maximum 1 page);

- a selection of 15-20 photographs, on the back of each of which the name of the candidate is indicated;

- project description (no more than 2 pages);

- completed and signed by the candidate questionnaire;

- an envelope with stamps for returning work in case of failure;

- a short biography of the author with a description of work experience, listing of exhibitions in which you took part, received grants and prizes.

The Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation Prize is awarded every two years.The winners are selected by an international jury, which includes 7 outstanding artists from different countries.The results will be announced in June 2019.

The rules of participation can be found in document .Any questions about the grant can be asked by email: .

АAddress for sending documents:

Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson

HCB Award

79, rue des Archives

75003 Paris


2022-02-28 14:44:50
© Julia Safonova