Competition for high school students "Journey from Fort Ross"

The US Embassy in the Russian Federation and Project Harmony, Inc. invite high school students from Russia to participate in the third annual Journey from Fort Ross competition, dedicated to cultural ties between Russia and the United States.

Teams of three high school students (grades 8-10) and one teacher can take part in the competition. A teacher can only lead one team, in addition, all participants must be fluent in English.

In order to participate in the competition, you need to create a computer quest game on the following topic:

Imagine the life of your peers livingat Fort Ross in the early 19th century.How did they grow? What role did they play in America's relationship with Russia? What other places related to the joint history of America and Russia, did they meet on their way?

To participate in the competition, your quest game must meet the following requirements:

  1. All facts in your game must matchreality;

  2. The game must include at least three facts from the history of Fort Ross;

  3. The plot of the game must feature at least two historical places related to the common history of America and Russia;

  4. The game must be available online, no downloads are allowed;

  5. The game must be available in Russian and English;

In addition to the game itself, the team must submit a presentation of the game - a video in English of no more than two minutes in length, presenting the entire team and the idea of ​​the game itself. The video must be uploaded to YouTube.

The two winning teams will have the opportunity to travel to the United States in July 2017 and participate in the annual Fort Ross Festival.

The application for participation in the competition can be submitted online until January 10 at link

The application must contain a linkfor a finished quest game.

More detailed information in English can be found on the website

2022-01-14 07:16:17
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