Fulbright Scholarship Program
The Fulbright Scholarship is one of the most famous scholarships in the world. Every year, thousands of students from different countries get the opportunity to pursue higher education at minimal cost.
Senator William Fulbright was quite an extraordinary politician, and his views on the development of America were slightly different from those of the majority.It was William Fulbright who, in 1945, proposed to invest the rest of the proceeds from the sale of US military property in exchange for students.Since then, American students have gone to get education in different parts of the world, and students from these very corners of the world - to America.At the moment, the Fulbright program covers almost 150 countries around the world.
Russian citizens can take part in one of ten programs with a fairly wide list of competitive disciplines. A total of 1,600 people graduated from the Fulbright program from Russia.
Grants can be obtained for teaching, research, internship, and lecturing at any university, library or archive in the United States.
An open competition is held in all disciplines to award the grant.
Fulbright is an incredibly prestigious program, but the competition is only 15-20 people per seat. So, who is this program for?
The Fulbright program is aimed at graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation (as well as undergraduate students), graduate students, scientists, teachers and artists.
Duration of stay in the United States under these grants for a master's degree 0 from 1 to 2 years, for graduate students - 1 academic year (9 months).
The grant includes: participation in the competition, tuition fees at a US university, monthly stipend, limited medical insurance and travel expenses.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently reside in the country (at least 180 days during the last year) and also havehigher education diploma or academic degree (depends on the program).Please note that the last diploma must be received no more than 3 years ago.
And of course, English: TOEFL - minimum 80 (100 - for political science, journalism and law).You do not need to take the test, it will be paid for by the program for those who pass the first round.You can apply for IELTS.
There is no fixed amount of grants - each program has its own selection criteria, and each case is considered on an individual basis.
An important point - you cannot have a residence permit in the United States.
Fulbright programs include several directions, each of which is divided into groups.
For students and teachers
Master and internship in the USA.Grants are awarded for 1-2 years of study or research.There are age restrictions.Fellows of the program receive a J-1 visa and after the end of the grant must return to Russia.
Program for university professors.Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to university professors no older than 39 years old.The duration of the program is 5 months.
Program for young teachers of foreign languages
The program lasts 9 months and does not include a degree upon completion.Young English teachers are given the opportunity to improve their teaching skills, English language proficiency and become more familiar with American culture and traditions.Program participants go to US universities and colleges to work as teachers or assistant teachers of the Russian language.
For scientists
Scholar-in-Residence Program (SIR).US University Exchange Program: Russian university professors go to community colleges, small universities specializing in master's programs in the humanities, and universities where members of national minorities study.
For scientists and artists.Grants are awarded to scientists, employees of research institutes, university professors (an academic degree is required), as well as to personalitiesarts and specialists in the field of applied and creative disciplines (the presence of an academic degree is not required).The duration of the research grant is 3-6 months.The duration of the lecturer grant is 3-9 months.
New Century Scholars.A research program that annually brings together 25-30 scientists and specialists from the United States and countries participating in the educational project.
Program for employees of international departments of Russian universities
RIEA exists for employees of international departments.Designed for young professionals with at least two years of work experience.The RIEA program offers an intensive 3-month internship in the United States and is aimed at improving the professional skills of employees of Russian universities who work with international students and teachers.
The Fulbright program also includes several summer schools:
School "Sustainable Development of Regions and Territories", School of Science and Technology, HumanitiesSummer school.And also - the Hubert Humphrey Program to support research.
All details - on the official website Fulbright in Russia.