Is a gap year possible in Russia?
Most of us first encounter real uncertainty in our lives when we leave school. What's next? Usually this rhetorical question is addressed in the direction of choosing a university or specialty. But few people think at that moment, receiving the coveted certificate from the hands of the school director, that you can wait until you enter the university and do not have to go where you simply automatically pass by points.
There are indeed a lot of now students among us who believe that they chose the wrong direction or the wrong university at one time. They reluctantly get into pairs, listen to lectures on the philosophy of Descartes or solve differential equations, which does not bring them any pleasure, and therefore no benefit. However, this situation can be avoided.
On the practice of gap year
In the West, especially in English-speaking countries, the practice of gap year has become quite common. The concept of a gap year can be translated into Russian as a "one-year break". Often this very break is taken immediately after leaving school before entering college or university. However, it would be wrong to argue that the gap year is a common shirking of recent schoolchildren from upcoming entrance exams, sessions and regular homework. Not at all. Many graduates attach great importance to this concept, and the year itself is filled with something truly important and interesting for themselves.
When speaking of a gap year, it is not always meant specifically 12 months of "vacation" and the period of time between school and university. This period can last a couple of months, six months, sometimes more than two years, and you can also take it after graduating from a bachelor's or master's degree. Here everything is already individual, and depends on personal ambitions and goals.
After a “one-year break”, graduates return to their studies refreshed and full of energy. According to College Confidential, very few gappers refuse to pursue further education after "vacation". Moreover, many studies showthat the so-called “one-year break” has a positive effect on the performance of young people who go to college or university a year later.
What can you do?
According to statistics, the bulk of gappers spend their break on travel and volunteering. Agree, to plunge into all this headlong, ordinary schoolchildren simply do not have time. Taking a gap year, you start doing what you want at the moment. And at the age of 17-18 you want to explore the world, engage in self-discovery and make new friends. A break from studies helps to breathe this life, to face the first serious difficulties, responsibility, to grow up, to get motivation and inspiration.
It often happens that a school graduate already knows what he wants, what his heart is in, but he still lacks certain skills, experience and funds. A one-year break helps fill these gaps. For example, there is a chance to learn languages, to be like preparatory courses for admission to a top university, or to work for the required experience or money to pay for studies.
Many graduates try to do several things at once between studies.For example, as Casey Santi from Illinois did. During her gap year, she studied French and was involved in community service in Europe and Africa. “The last year at school was pretty exhausting for me, and I just needed to take a break before going to college.And my passion for art has only intensified this year, ”she tells The Wall Street magazine.
Agnes Cho spent his gap year in Peru, where he lived with a host family and volunteered. “I studied the culture of this country from the inside, improved my Spanish, worked in many volunteer projects. Now I am studying Latin America at Princeton University, and I am very happy about that, ”Agnes tells
Is it possible in Russia?
Probably, in Russia every firsta parent will react negatively if one day his child comes up to him and says that he is not going to go to university right after leaving school, but wants to do something else for now.In our country, admission to a university or professional college is, as it were, a compulsory program, on a par with primary and secondary school, which means that there should be no breaks between the passage of all educational levels. This is a certain tradition that has developed in our society and from which it is still extremely difficult to move away. Military service among young people also plays an important role.
The gap year must be approached consciously. Moreover, it is also necessary to prepare for it psychologically and financially in advance. You must understand why you are taking this "vacation", you must have certain funds if you want to travel, and also enlist the support of family and friends who will be sympathetic to your "search for yourself." Also remember that there are no special programs for gappers in Russia, as well as student loans for such purposes.
Gap year practically does not give any advantages when entering Russia, only if you did not spend it on retaking the USE and did not gain the coveted 300 points. Unfortunately, most Russian universities do not take into account the individual achievements and practical experience of applicants applying for undergraduate programs. This is not always taken into account even when entering a magistracy, alas. The admissions committee, as a rule, dryly counts the points for the exam or grades in the diploma and does not look at the motivation and interest in a particular program from future students. A completely different situation developed when entering American universities, for example. Your portfolio, experience and motivation are highly valued there. Universities are really more willing to take those applicants who have an internship or volunteer practice behind them. American students are more conscious in their choice of program and university, becausenot the least role here is played by the cost of training. Higher education in the United States is not cheap,and no one wants to give money for something that is simply not interesting.
However, the situation with Russian higher education may go into your hands.In many universities, you can combine study with work, volunteering, hobbies, and attending additional courses. Some universities have a military department.Thus, you will come to the end of the bachelor's degree with a certain experience, amount of money, knowledge, goals and "warrior". In Russia, a gap year is most realistic to do after receiving a bachelor's degree before a master's degree or work, of course, if you still need it.
Today, for recent high school graduates, the “one-year break” is extremely difficult, but possible. Consider all the "buts", plan your "vacation" in advance so as not to waste time, and go for it!
Gulyaeva Liza