Exam Guide: GMAT
GMAT or Graduate Management Admission Test — is a special kind of exam that tests three kinds of skills. They are basic and advanced mathematical skills, logical thinking and analytics, and English language level. Mostly this exam is required for those who want to enter the MBA program, although it is increasingly required for admission to graduate programs in finance, business, and management as well.
The Graduate Admission Test &Matriculation Test &Matriculation Test &Matriculation Test is also required for admission to graduate programs in finance, business, and management.
GMAT — is a computer adaptive test. Exams of this kind adapt to your level when you take them: so if you answer correctly, the system will offer you a higher level question, and if you answer incorrectly, it will simplify the task. The exam is in 4 parts, and the total time required is 3.5 hours.
“Analytical Writing Assessment” consists of an assignment where you have to conduct a written analysis of the text, and more specifically analyze the argumentation and its validity. Thus, you will have to write an essay with an argument about the logic or lack thereof and the facts in the proposed text.
“Integrated Reasoning” tests your ability to work with multiple data sources. For example, with tables, graphs and charts. You must find solutions to problems that are interrelated and depend on the information presented.
“Quantitative” consists of mathematical tasks of approximately school level difficulty. The questions in this part are test questions and have 5 answer choices. You have to solve problems, and you have to analyze data, for example, to choose a thesis statement with the necessary information.
“Verbal” includes three different formats. The first kind, reading, tests your ability to answer questions about a given text. The second format, critical reasoning, tests your ability to make a specific plan and justify your decision. The third type — is correcting errors in the suggested text.
Assessment and results:
You can get between 200 and 800 points on the GMAT exam. The average score worldwide is 550, as most students score between 400 and 600. To determine what number you should aim for, it's worth checking the website of the particular university, as some require a certain minimum and others simply ask for test results.
In order to determine what number you should aim for, it's worth checking the website of the particular university, as some of them require a certain minimum, while others simply ask for test results.
Good luck.