Good habits for successful foreign language learning

What good habits are popular among those who can easily learn new foreign languages? We will talk about this today in the article. Don't forget to share your ideas in the comments for this longread!

Change the language of the mobile interface

This method will help to consolidate the basic phrases - just change the language of the operating system of those devices that you use every day. The first time will be unusual, but after a week you will feel more confident.

Play games with friends in a foreign language

While walking, imagine that you are working on a foreign TV channel and doing a live broadcast. Try to tell as much as possible about everything that surrounds you, share your impressions of what you saw. You can record videos and ask friends from other countries to comment by posting them on language social networks.

If you are out with friends, invite them to play in English (or whatever foreign language you learn). It is necessary for a minute to describe any object that is in sight, but not to name it. The other participants must guess which object was conceived by asking leading questions.

Listen or watch daily broadcasts in a foreign language

Try watching the news at breakfast in the language you are learning. If many things seem incomprehensible and foreign speech in the episodes is still difficult to perceive by ear, choose something simpler - for example, recordings of a popular show, a movie or a series with subtitles. Those looking to improve their written English can start their day by reading newspapers or news agency feeds.

Learn new words every day

Use one of the apps for learning foreign words or write them down the old fashioned way in a notebook. The main thing is not just mindlessly repeating, but immediately coming up with examples of the use of words in order to memorize them inthe right context. Try to learn at least one idiom or phrasal verb every day.

2022-01-14 07:23:03
© Julia Safonova