How does travel affect a person?
Research shows that a gap year* or studying abroad can positively affect a person and make him more open to the world and new ideas.
The modern world is very multifaceted, the boundaries of what is possible are constantly expanding, and travel is becoming more accessible. There are also more and more opportunities for students to travel, not only profitable, but sometimes completely free. This could be international volunteer programs, grants, internships abroad, or simply a decision to postpone an academic degree in favor of traveling the planet. The benefits of travel are clear to many: the opportunity to make new friends, broaden your horizons, experience many interesting adventures and, most importantly, gain invaluable experience.
Travel inspires and increases sociability
According to a study by Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinski, those who have lived abroad are more creative, and the more countries they visited, the higher their ingenuity. However, Galinsky also says that just being a tourist is not enough: "Those who live abroad and do not interact with the local culture are more likely to find themselves less creative than those who travel headlong into their surroundings."
Traveling and living abroad can also affect the way we interact with people.Dr. Julia Zimmermann and Dr. Franz Neyer conducted a comparative study of two groups of German students: some studied abroad for a semester or more, while others remained in their hometowns. The results showed that members of the travel group were higher in extroversion and tended to be more open to new things and emotionally stable when they returned home.
We travel, but the brain grows
While traveling, we encounter new situations, for example, orientation in an unfamiliar metro turns into a quest, And during a regular visit to a cafe, the brain is activated no less thanin the classroom, because you have to order food in another language.According to a study conducted by the US Travel Association, situations like this help maintain a good, sharp mind and improve their cognitive functions, because the brain, being exposed to extraordinary and complex (from its point of view) environmental influences, tries to classify these stimuli and reacts by forming new neuralconnections.It helps him to grow and stimulates him as if the person is starting to learn a new hobby or language.
So, if you have a happy opportunity to travel, but still have not decided on it, then plunge into the unknown with your head, explore the world, and your brain will be immensely grateful to you.
* gap year - the year that school graduates in Europe spend on vacation and / or travel.
Linnik Julia