How much is a school?
High school study abroad programs offer ambitious and curious students an opportunity to become global citizens as they complete their high school education. Studying abroad during high school allows students to gain meaningful life experiences that are often vital components to well-rounded college applications. If students value growth, believe in the importance of knowing and understanding the world, and wish to make the most of their everyday life and education, a high school study abroad is a perfect option.
High school students can choose to spend a summer, semester or even year living and studying abroad. Summer programs offer students a perfect opportunity to wet their whistles for international travel; spending the summer months in another culture can be an amazing way to explore a region of interest, learn a new language and maybe even earn credits toward college coursework.
To students who wish to devote more than a summer to international travel and study, semester long programs offer the opportunity to explore and experience the intricacies of a culture. Spending a full semester in a foreign school, living 5-6 months another culture and having enough time to become familiar with another country all afford students a unique opportunity to become a part of a community.
If spending a shorter semester in another country just won’t cut it, consider spending a full year. Passing twelve months in a year-long study abroad high school program not only grants students an opportunity to experience student life in a foreign country, but it also allows them to settle in and become a part of the community.
Whether students spend a summer, semester or year living and studying in another country, they are sure to have a meaningful and life-changing experience.
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