How and why to publish scientific articles

There are various citation databases that researchers strive to get into. These include Web of Science, the Russian RSCI database, and Scopus. The databases contain information about the articles that are published in scientific publications and index them. Thanks to this, it is possible to find out how much demand there is for a particular author's work. Here is why we should pay attention to citation databases and why we should publish our texts.

Why should I publish?

Publications are essential for teaching and for your future career. Especially if you plan to teach and do research. Universities often ask about a student's academic accomplishments when applying. Depending on the institution, this activity may be a deciding factor in admissions.

The use of your texts by other authors increases the citation rate of your work, and the citation index (Hirsch index) helps to evaluate your academic activities and contributions to science. The higher your index, the more in-demand your work is. Not all publications get into citation databases: only those published in journals indexed by the databases.

Don't forget about usefulness, the main reason why your text should be seen. Perhaps this work will help future researchers and your colleagues who work in a similar field.

What are the rules for publishing? Do you have to pay for it?"

Journals have different requirements. The same goes for payment: some publications will ask for money for publication, others will not. But there are three general and important rules:

1) You need a fresh, unpublished work. One that was written by (or co-authored with) you;

2) Plagiarism is absolutely not allowed. Footnotes and reference list should be made by the rules (in the case of Russian publications it should be done according to GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008).

3) Article has its own structure: title, abstract in Russian and English, text itself and references. Key words are also required.

In general, you will not see a complicated publishing procedure and impossible requirements. The most difficult thing you may encounter is sending papers by regular mail (not e-mail). If you have done quality work that fits the journal's theme and you are willing to edit it according to the rules, then you are already close to publication.Although your material is published in the publication, you still have the copyright on it. So when you submit your article, you'll be asked for a license agreement agreeing to publication. So they will ask for a license agreement when you submit your article, stating that you agree to publication.

Not all articles that get published get published by editors. If you get a rejection, you will probably be given a reason. Don't be upset. You will have a chance to improve your work and submit to the same or another publication. Below you can see some of the journals in the Scopus database and the requirements they have for authors. That way you can get a rough idea of what they are.

What is Scopus?

We will look at this particular database because it combines strict requirements for journals and the availability of Russian-language titles in the database, making it the most appropriate.

Scopus is a citation database from Elsevier that includes journals, conference publications, and books. The databases contain Russian and international publications from different professional fields: natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Depending on your language skills, you can try to apply to English-language publications. The full list of journals that are indexed in Scopus can be found here.

To get into the database, a journal must go through a long procedure of checking and meeting the established criteria. In this way, the best academic journals, whose publications are highly valued, are included in the database. Below you will see examples of several academic publications of the base.

Ecology and Industry in Russia

You must send your article and contract by regular mail (or by e-mail first, and then send the originals). After publication, you can post your texts online, but with a link to the publication. The abstract size is at least 850 characters or 100 words, the main body of the text is 10 to 12 pages in Times New Roman font.


The publication in which you can post political science papers. Publication is pro bono: neither the author nor the publication pays anything. Since the journal can only be purchased by subscription, you cannot place your paper in the public domain for two years after publication. Articles to be published must be 30-45 thousand characters.

Sociological Journal

Journal of Sociology, which is published four times a year. Articles are published free of charge; no royalties are paid. They accept an abstract of 200 to 250 words and a text of no more than 40,000 characters. Your work must be evaluated by an external reviewer. After receiving your work, the editors can:

  • Publish your work,

  • Publish after revision,

  • Reject. You will be sent a rejection with an explanation.

Applied Physics

The papers are reviewed depending on the editors' decision. All papers should be no more than 7 pages in length. It is desirable that the list of references contains at least 10 sources. Please note that the site specifies requirements for the execution of graphs, symbols and formulas. The final material must be submitted in hard copy and on CD/DVD.

Chemico-Pharmaceutical Journal

A variety of article types are accepted for publication: clinical studies, description of drug properties, experimental, scientific and technical papers and others. At the same time, each type has its own requirements for content. The volume of papers that are accepted must be from 8 to 10 pages. The editors reserve the right to reduce the text. There are special requirements for the design of formulas.


2022-01-14 07:19:59
© Oksana Prokopova