How to boost your creativity

By the end of winter, complaints about the lack of any strength to work are becoming more and more - everyone is tired of winter, and the warm summer is not soon.
Let's not mope and hibernate, let's shake things up and restart the dozing creative!

Allow yourself to be lazy

Sometimes laziness is just what you need.This gives the brain a respite to focus on new ideas later on.If you hold a smartphone in your hands day and night, then you receive too much information, and your brain will never have the time and opportunity to digest it.Give yourself a little time to think, and your brain to come up with something new.

Make a mind map

A little lazy, it's time to get down to business.Start with a mind map - take a piece of paper and write the topic you are studying in the center.Place blocks with additional information around this topic, and various clarifications next to these blocks.These mind maps are used to design websites, generate ideas, prepare for presentations, organize events, plan a budget, and simply make a to-do list for the week.

Discuss your ideas with other people

We each have our own way of thinking.Even if it seems to us that we are looking at something from a different point of view, in reality it is not so.At the same time, reality is constructed in its own way, in a way that is inherent in your thinking.Therefore, when we consult with other people, we often exclaim: "Oh, how I didn't think of this myself."This is how we can sometimes find a way out of a seemingly dead-end situation or a creative (or any other) crisis.

Put things in order

Yes, it sounds a little subjective, but it works!Get rid of clutter in everything: in life, on your desktopand in the wardrobe.It is difficult to gush with ideas when the house is a mess.Get rid of the clutter around you - this will help you focus on what is important, without being distracted by various trifles.Get rid of the excess and give your brain more freedom.

Try to draw something that you are working on and thinking

Let the drawing explain your idea.This is a fairly easy distraction.Plus, while you are pondering how to portray the topic under study, you will definitely look at it from a different angle.

Write in your diary about everything, including sudden ideas on the studied material

It will not only save interesting ideas, but will also stimulate the creation ofnew.Taking notes of your thoughts with a pen in a notebook is useful for the brain: you unload your head, get rid of a lot of thoughts by sorting them.Cleared of excess, the brain devotes more time to processing data on a topic of interest to you.

Surround yourself with creative and motivated people

It's simple - talent breeds talent.If you want to create ideas, then just chat with some outstanding people.It doesn't matter at all whether you communicate in real life or online, these creative people will inspire you to think differently anyway, and this is exactly what we need.Go to public meetings with such people more often, find their accounts on social networks and subscribe to them - this creates an atmosphere of talent, creativity and creativity around you.

Perhaps the most effective way to boost your creativity is to roll up this article and come up with your own exercises and techniques.Time to create!

2022-01-14 07:21:14
© Svetlana Panova