How to start playing sports from scratch

Keeping motivation at the same level constantly is not an easy task. Therefore, the main secret is not to use up all your strength at once, giving all your best in training.It can even be dangerous for the body - after all, you risk getting injured or overworked. You need to start with 2-3 workouts every week, giving them 30-40 minutes.Get used to this regimen, and then increase the training time and their intensity.

To achieve good results, be sure to set achievable goals and realistic time frames. Try to visualize your desires more often, detailing not only what you want to achieve, but also your actions.

Most often, sports are used to lose weight. But even with the same weight, you can look completely different depending on the diet and physical activity. Do not act to harm your health - you definitely should not lose weight by 20 kilograms per month.It is better to go slowly but surely to make your dream come true.

Before starting the exercise, be sure to make a plan for nutrition and exercise. Choose a suitable program and gradually upgrade it, increasing the intensity of the exercise. Write down your goals in your planner. Let them be light to begin with - for example, jog for half an hour or do 10 push-ups.Reward yourself with something nice after you get it done. You can buy a new beautiful uniform or sports equipment that you have long dreamed of.

It is important to make training a habitual activity - this way you will become more disciplined and responsible. Therefore, it is better to go to the gym clearly on schedule at the same time after work or school.

But training is not everything. It is important to be smart about the matter in order to improve your health and look your best. Be sure to take a bottle of clean drinking water with you to class and try to drink more on the day of classes - this will help speed up the body's recovery.

Another important point - first of all, how you look depends on a balanced diet. For harmonious weight loss, you need to burn more calories per day than you consume. Yes, it is difficult for a beginner to determine by eye how many calories are in a serving. Therefore, it is better to use one of the free food monitoring programs.For example, you can download the Fat Secret app - just enter the name of a product or dish and its weight, and a smart calculator will calculate how much protein, fat and carbohydrates in your portion are.

It is always difficult to start, but within a few weeks after the first training session (or even earlier) you will feel that you have become more cheerful and energetic. Sports are one of the best ways to stay fit and energized.

2022-01-14 07:22:04
© Julia Safonova