How not to lose motivation to learn a foreign language?

They say that the hardest part of learning a foreign language is finding motivation and keeping it up to date.But how?How not to lose enthusiasm and enthusiasm?Today we will show you how to stay motivated while learning a foreign language.

How not to lose motivation to learn a foreign language

Remember why you started learning the language

When you startedlearning a language, then, most likely, there was a reason for that.Perhaps you wanted to become a linguist or you dreamed of traveling around the world and meeting new people.Or maybe you just wanted to be more confident in yourself.Obviously, when you learn the declension of adjectives and the conjugation of German verbs, then you cannot think of any motivation.But, nevertheless, always remember about your goal, what result you will come to in the end, after learning all the grammar rules and writing a ton of essays.To do this, keep your goals in front of your eyes, for example, by writing them on colored stickers, and constantly remember them as soon as you feel a loss of strength and desire.

Take a look at the results already available

Learning a new language is undoubtedly time-consuming and labor-intensive.But before you quit this activity, take a look at your results - what you have been able to achieve to date.As an exercise, write a mini story in a foreign language.This exercise will show you how well you have progressed in your language learning and will increase your motivation to continue studying.

Overcome distractions

Sometimes, instead of practicing grammar, we watch a TV show or flip pointlessly on social media.When this happens, it is important to determine what is watching TV shows, a strong distraction.The question to be asked is - can I live without these distractions?Will I have enough willpower to stop doing useless work?You have limitedthe amount of time and effort, so your every action has its own outcome.It is important to understand this simple truth and try to devote your precious time to more important things.

Reward yourself

Break your main goal into mini-tasks.As you accomplish each challenge, such as learning all of the food vocabulary, reward yourself with a trip to the cafe.During the learning process, it is important to constantly praise yourself and see your results.[eleven]

2022-01-14 07:23:28
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