How to start learning well?

Students often promise themselves to do better in the new semester, next month, or Monday. We think it's time to act. With the onset of the new year, it is too late to renounce promises. Where to start on the path to good grades and knowledge?

Why is this necessary?

First, let's understand what the motivation for good studies is.Firstly, this is important if you want to study abroad, get a grant or scholarship.When considering an application, attention is paid to the average score (GPA).Therefore, your future directly depends on estimates.Secondly, even if you get high scores, knowledge is tested on entrance exams.

The most important thing is that what you have learned will help you become a sought-after professional, put forward ideas and solutions at work, and avoid potential mistakes.

Also remember that learning is an opportunity to be valued.Unfortunately, not everyone can get an education, but you are among those lucky ones who can learn new things every day.

Looking for gaps

Without the basics, it's hard to move on in the study, so first find out what gaps are left.Open the course syllabus and notes, if available.Review the topics, think that you remember them, if you missed the lectures.Try to do the exercises and solve problems, see which ones are difficult for you.

Build up knowledge in subjects

How to do it?

  • The best option is to use the required and recommended materials according to the program, listen to lectures, if they are in the recording, and view presentations from teachers;

  • Take an online course on a topic.Information is presented in a structured manner, which facilitates the learning process;

  • Ask classmates to explain the material.Don't be afraid to ask for help.We do not know everything, and students come to the university with different experiences, so if somethingit is not clear, it is better to inform and understand.

For some specialties, most articles from the Internet will be useless and sometimes incorrect.Therefore, use scientific papers in English if you want to clarify the information.

Use different techniques to memorize material better.We wrote about them in more detail here.


When you know the session schedule and the due date, be sure to decide how and when you will prepare.Learning a small amount of information every day for several weeks is much easier than in one day.In addition, according to the Ebbinghaus curve, you will remember the information for a long time if you have the opportunity to repeat the material before the exam.

Try not to skip classes

It's easier to go to a lecture once and then repeat the material than to learn it yourself from scratch.At seminars, you can apply knowledge in practice: test yourself, work in a group on a case, solve tasks.In general, attending a university saves time on studying and preparing for exams in the future.

Develop good habits

For example, in this article we discussed how sleep affects our memory: night trainingbrings few results to exams.And in order to pass the test well after studying the material, it is better to sleep.So get back to sleep and don't put off your studies until the last night.

Also remember to rest in time.Each of us has a certain period of time during which we are able to learn as much information as possible, and after it expires, our performance decreases.Therefore, you should not delay the rest until the last - it also needs to be planned.

As you prepare ahead of time, plan for time, get enough sleep and rest, you will see progress in your studies and emerge from the vicious circle of New Year's promises.This is difficult because it requires self-control.But if you really want to do better, you will succeed.

2022-01-14 07:20:58
© Oksana Prokopova