Websites to help you learn French

Interactive lessons, interviews with famous people or games to improve your vocabulary - which will you choose? The selection includes sites for those who dream of learning French!

BBС languages ​​

On the site, you will find 24 interactive lessons that will appeal to those who have already studied French but wants to refresh the knowledge gained. You will learn how to get acquainted and maintain communication on the simplest topics, ask questions about goods and make purchases, find out the way from passers-by. Each block consists of three videos with English and French subtitles.

This site is a treasure for anyone looking to improve their listening skills. Collected here are interviews in French, text on the right.


This site is recommended for those interested in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Japanese.ThoughtCo is a large library of engaging foreign language articles. All materials are written in English.

Learning French For Free

This site will appeal to beginners who want to learn the most important communication phrases. The menu on the left contains the main topics. Here you will learn how to say hello, ask for help, and ask simple questions.

French Lessons

Another resource for beginners. First, you memorize words by listening to the recordings voiced by native speakers and looking at pictures, and then you move on to games - you need to collect a word from letters or a sentence from words, and also choose the correct translation.

2022-01-14 07:22:48
© Julia Safonova