Journey of Shared Discovery program for journalists
The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) invites young journalists from Russia to take part in the fourth stream of the Journey of Shared Discovery for Russian and American Journalists program.
Organization: The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)
Where: Washington and other cities,USA
When: June 4 - 25
Language: English
Purposeprograms:building professional and friendly relations between Russian and American journalists, exchange of experience, destruction of negative stereotypes about countries through communication.
The main advantages of the program:
- Participants publish articles in the American media.
- The program is supported by an ICFJ grant from the US Embassy in Moscow, Public Relations Department (PAS).
- Participants in previous streams note that the program has improved skills, moved up the career ladder, and won other scholarships or enrolled in graduate school.
Exchange Program Information:
ICFJ accepts applications from professional media journalists and freelancers;candidates will be trained in American media.
The program will begin with a schedule, information and individual assignments for the duration of the internship.Since the program will include work on individual assignments in the US media, Russian journalists must be fluent in English.
Program schedule:
• Online information meeting before departure from Russia
• Arrival in the United States: Tuesday 4th June.
• Receive individual assignments, internship information and schedule in Washington DC: June 5 - 8
• Beginning of two-week internship in US media: 8June
• Summing up the results of the program in New York: 22-25June
• Return to Russia: Tuesday, June 25
Selection will be based on the level of professional qualifications, relevant experience, commitment to program objectives and strengthening relationships between countries.
For more information:
Bob Tinsley
Program Director
Amal Azimova
Program Officer