Informatics is a science which is dedicated to collection, processing, storage, transmission and analysis of information using computer technology.It includes abstract (such as analysis of algorithms) and specific (such as development of programming languages and data transfer protocols) disciplines related to information processing in computers and computer networks.
Informatics includes a huge number of sections. As a discipline, computer science covers a wide range of topics from theoretical studies of algorithms and computational limits to the practical implementation of computer systems in hardware and software. Theoretical Informatics includes the theories of formal languages, algorithms, computational complexity, computational graph theory, cryptology, logic (including propositional logic and predicate logic), formal semantics, and lays the theoretical foundations for the development of compilers for programming languages. Practical (applied) part of Informatics includes such areas as artificial intelligence, computer architecture and computer engineering, computer performance analysis, computer graphics, computer security and cryptography, computer modeling and numerical methods, computer networks, databases, information science and many other.
Many universities have study programs in Informatics. It is usually taught as a theoretical study of computation and automatic output. These study programs often include the theory of algorithms, analysis of algorithms, formal methods, databases, computer graphics, system analysis, basic programming.
Study programs in Informatics
Some study programs in Informatics can be found on our website, for example, Master program in Informatics in University of Bergen, Norway, or Informatics with Management Studies in Kingston University in UK. Find more study program by using the Search button.