Training for teachers in Italy

Where: Palermo, Italy

When: 25–31 March 2019

Language: English

For whom: employees of youth organizations, teachers, counselors, coordinators of volunteer programs

Conditions: registration fee for candidatesselected - 50 euros, the organizers pay for room and board in full, as well as reimburse the cost of the flight (up to 300 euros)

Deadline: February 4

20 people will be selected.

The project is supported by the Council of Europe.My Art and Your Rights training is suitable for youth leaders with artistic ability.

20 youth leaders from different countries will take part in a training on informal teaching methods.They will be assisted in finding new ways to share human rights information through art and, in particular, supported in finding or creating a new way of informing children and young people through creativity.Space will also be provided to exchange relevant practices and social concepts related to their artistic endeavors.

The main goal of the activity:

Capacity building of employees of youth organizations, teachers, counselors, coordinators of volunteer programs living inEurope, to raise awareness of human rights among young people through non-formal human rights education and the use of artistic methodologies.

Objective 1:

Sharing best practices among youth leaders related to creative work that conveys, expresses andraises awareness of human rights.

Goal 2:

Improve the skills of youth leaders with arts education to use non-formal teaching methodology.

Goal 3:

Support youth leaders in developing their own practice and methodology for implementing human rights education throughart withyouth.

As a result of the training, participants will gain more knowledge in the field of non-formal education and the use of art for education in the field of human rights.

Criteria for the selection of participants:

- active participation in one of the organizations in their country

- advanced skills in one or more art fields

- have a strong interest in protecting and raising awareness of human rights

- with interest to contribute to educational activities in the field of human rights through the arts

- commitment to fully participate in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the project

Apply for participation

Get more detailed information


Irene Capozzi


Phone: +39 091 7848 236

2022-01-14 07:21:23
© Anastasiia Berezhnaia