101 interview questions
Today, more than 40% of employees find their place in organizations through preliminary internships in them.An increasing number of employers are offering applicants a trial period, during which both parties can decide on the choice of work or employee.
However, there is an obstacle for the applicant for the coveted internship, which is called an interview.While interviews like these are always stressful and stressful for the participant, they can be dealt with if you know what to expect."Forewarned is forearmed" is a catch phrase, and below you will find 100 and 1 questions that you should take note of and for which you should be prepared.
What are your long-term goals?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?And in 20 years?
What qualities distinguish you?
What do you think is the most important point on your resume?
What can you be proud of in yourself?
If you became an employee of a well-known company, which brand would you choose and why?
Do you have leadership skills?
Tell us what leadership qualities have you acquired with experience?
What does the word "leader" mean to you?
What does it mean to you to be a responsible leader?
What do you mean by management?
What will you do in a situation as a leader if one of the team members does not fulfill his duties?
What leads you to success?
What qualities are most important to a team member?
How do you feel when working in a team?
Have you had any experience of teamwork?
If it was difficult for you to work in a team, what would you do?
HowHow would you fix someone's error in their work?
Tell us about your ideal client meeting.
If the client was on vacation while the most important events for him happened, how would you tell him about it?
Tell us about the current situation in the currency markets?(for interviews in financial firms)
Tell us something interesting that you recently learned.
What is your style of working with "difficult" people or in the face of tough deadlines?
Give an example of a successful solution to a complex problem from your practice.
How do you intend to combine work with study?
What will you do if everyone in the group has the opposite opinion?
Tell us how you deal with your failures.
How do you deal with stress and defeat?
What are your 3 most important qualities?
What are your 3 biggest faults?
How do you answer a question when you absolutely do not know what to say?
What will you do if you find out that something is wrong or dishonest at work?
Have you ever gone against the authorities because of your convictions?
Are you capable of keeping confidential information?
How could you settle the dispute?
Have you faced an ethical dilemma?What did you do?
What technologies do you use to solve problems?
What would you do if your presentation contained a mistake and you found out about it at the last moment?
What do you expect from this internship?
What experience do you want to gain during the internship?
Did you have to make a difficult decision for all team members?
Have you ever broken your promises?
How do you behave in conflict?
What area in the firm attracts you the most?
Are you able to work with a large volume of documents and data?
Would you like to try yourself in projects that are not related to your specialty?
What would you do if at 6 pm you discovered a mistake in the project when everyone went home or refused to help you fix it?
Do you own a PC?At what level?
Why do you want to work for our company?
Tell us about cloud systems.
What do you do when you are bored in a lecture?
What makes you wake up in the morning?
If you need to assemble a watch and you can only ask 6 questions about that watch, what would you ask?
What is the theme of your diploma?Tell me about your research activities.
Tell us about your experience working on other projects.
What was the most interesting thing about your previous internship?
What do you know about the production area in which we operate?
What do you think are the forecasts for our industry?
How do you feel about problems when you face them?
How many cigarettes are smoked in the world every day?(Caution: This is a typical guesswork question and is often asked to understand your way of thinking)
Why should we hire you?
Do you own Excel?
As a freshman, will you be able to work in a team of more experienced students from senior graduate courses?
What skills do you have?
Tell me your biography.
Tell us about the subjects at the university that were important to your work.
What was your favorite subject at school?
What is your GPA in your diploma / record?
Mentally construct a catapult and tell me how you do it.What needs to be done to make the catapult shoot more accurately and further?(Backfill question, where the trainee's mindset is tested)
You have a stone weighing 100 kg.You need to measure it on a scale that only holds 50 kg.How do you do it?
Why do you want to work in this industry?
What personal qualities will help you make a career in our company?
Who is your main competitor?
What is, in your opinion, the biggest problem of our company?
Did you have "difficult" roommates?How did you deal with it?
Why did you enter this particular university?
What university activities do you do?
What is your view of education?
What are you most afraid of in this job?
Tell me about yourself.
What do you like to do for pleasure?
Tell us about your hobbies.
Are you creative?
Do you know how to take the initiative?
Do you have marketing skills?Have you ever sold anything?
What is the best way to deal with customers and customers?Tell us about your view on this.
Can you solve problems on the run?
Tell us about your ideal working conditions.
Where would you be most comfortable working?
How do you adapt to the new team?
What do your 3 best friends have in common?
What your best friend can tell meabout you?
What person changed your life?
What is the most difficult shock for you, besides death?
If you could pick 2 celebrities as your parents, who would they be?Why?
You have a presentation in 10 minutes.You found that the data in it is out of date.What will you do?
What are the 3 qualities that will help you the most in this job?
Do you know a lot about little or a little about everything?
Tell me a joke.
What superpower would you like to have?
Why are you sitting in this chair now?
Translation: Yana Smirnova